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Keith's POV

What is going on? What is going on? What is going on? What is going on? What the hell?

What's wrong with me?

I sit on the bed and take a few deep breaths. Despite what I've been saying, there is no doubt in my mind that this is the Galra's fault.

I get up and kick the wall. I back up and sit on the bed again.

Calm down, Keith. You need to calm down. You'll figure this out.

What's something that usually works when I'm confused? Thinking it out. How can I think this out if whenever I try to think about it I just get angry and even more confused?

I groan. This isn't going to work out the way I want it to.

Someone knocks on the door. Great. Just what I need right now. Why can't people go away and know I'm not in the mood?

"Hi Lance," I say opening the door.

"Hey, uh, Hunk was busy and didn't wanna hang out and Pidge is in her lab working and I'm scared of the little gremlin so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Lance says all in one breath. How the hell?

"Are you going to bombard me with questions?"

"...no," he answers with a slight nervous tone. Something in the back of my head is telling me that nervousness is because he's lying, and I believe that voice. Still though, maybe if I refuse to answer his questions he'll stop asking them and I'll be able to forget this shit is even happening.

"Fine. What are we doing?"

"Well you're supposed to be resting–even though I seriously doubt you would even consider taking a break–so no training. Maybe...sit and swap stories? We could even work on the Voltron chant?" Lance says, a smile forming on his face as he nears the end.

"Fine. Come in, I guess," I step away from the door. He walks in and sits himself on the bed in a criss-cross position. I sit next to him, at least a foot between us.

Lance mumbles something that I can't make out. "What did you say?"


"You were mumbling," I point out.


"What did you say?"

A smirk forms on his face. "I say Vol you say tron. Vol?"

"Voltron. Why can't it just be Voltron? It's so much quicker."

"Because the instructions, that are right in the chant mind you, say that I say Vol and you say tron."

"That's stupid."

"No it's not! It's a common chant!"

"So people are just going around chanting Voltron and not knowing what it is?"

Lance face palms. "They switch out the words, Keith."


It goes silent. I subconsciously reach over to itch my arm. Lance grabs my wrist before I can reach my arm, however.

"Can I see?"

"I told you no questions. That also means no mentioning anything about it," I answer.

"Keith. No secrets, remember? We won't be able to form Voltron."

Right. Voltron. That's why he cares.

I get up and begin to walk to the door. "I said no. Come on, I wanna train."

Lance gets up without a word and follows me out. We walk into the training room in silence. He said no training didn't he? Whatever. At least I can get away with this.

"Hand to hand. No weapons," I mumble, just loud enough for Lance to hear me.

"Yeah sure," he answers.

We start the fight. We go slow at first, speeding up as we go along. In a feeble attempt to gain leverage, Lance tackles me to the ground. I didn't stay down for long though. I push him off and in turn gain  the leverage Lance was hoping for while he slides across the floor.

I manage to pin him down within ten seconds of his landing. "I win," I smirk. My joy is swept aside, though, when flashes of pain start to hit. All I can see is sudden flashes of white.

The last thing I see is a blurry image of Lance before everything finally goes dark.

Lance's POV

Keith falls limp on top of me. What just happened? His face changed from a victorious smirk to an expression full of pain. Then he just fell limp! I need to get him to Coran. But wait...

I sit up, bringing Keith up with me. I slip his jacket and gloves off, being careful not to move him too much. I trail my fingers over the part of Keith's arm where the purple fades to his normal skin color. It's halfway up his upper arm.

I pick him up bridal style, trying my hardest to be as gentle as possible. I put his jacket and gloves between us on his stomach before walking out of the training room. It hits me that I have no idea where Coran is. He could be anywhere! He spends all his time fixing the castle or with Allura!

My first instinct is to go to the medical bay. I lay Keith on the table before starting to run around the castle on a hunt for Coran. After around ten minutes (which felt more like ten hours) I find him in the kitchen. In the kitchen! Why the hell would he be in the kitchen?

"Coran!" I gasp out. "Keith just passed out! He's on a table in the medical bay, come on!" I shout before running back to Keith, hoping Coran is following me.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

I make a sharp turn into the room. I stop and put my hands on my knees while trying to regain my breath. After calming down I look up. My breath catches in my throat and my heart drops.


He's gone.


I'm sorry it's taking so long for me to get these chapters out. I've been focusing on my other book because I'm trying to get it to finish soon. Again I'm sorry but I'm hoping this chapter was worth the wait.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always, feel free to point out any errors.

Swiggity swooty, I'm coming for that booty.


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