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Training was a struggle the next day to say the least. Lance tried to convince Allura not to make us train but she said we'd all been slacking off lately. Great. Now I'm going to be sore in more places than just my ass.

"Lance," I grab his shoulder on our way off the training deck. "Can...Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure. Go ahead," he answers.

"In my room please."

"Oh. Okay." We walk to my room and sit on my bed.

"Lance...I really...I really like you. I love you actually."

"I-" Lance tries to say but I cut him off.

"I want to know that last night wasn't just you being horny. Please. I wasn't lying about what I said last night, I want to make sure you weren't saying it back just in the moment. I need to know if you actually mean it," I force out. I don't like talking about my feelings, nor am I good at it.

"Why would I ever say something like that if I didn't mean it? Keith, I really do love you," Lance says. He reaches out and rubs my arm.

"People have done it before. I just...I want to make sure you're not one of them."

"I'm not, I swear. Love is an important word in my family. We never say it unless we really mean it. Keith, I want to be your boyfriend."

I stop for a minute. "Boyfriend?"

"Yes. Keith, I really love you and I want to become official."

After a few moments of consideration, I answer, "Okay. I want to be your boyfriend too."

Lance grabs my face and kisses me passionately. I kiss back after coming down from my surprise. We pull away.

"Lance...I have something else I want to say," I mumble.

"What is it sweetheart?"

I ignore the joy that comes from the pet name. "I don't want to change back. I've learned to accept my heritage and be comfortable in my own skin."

Lance looks my in the eyes before pulling me into a tight hug. "You're so brave and amazing and wonderful and cute and talented and adorable and just...so...strong," he rambles.

"I need to tell the others," I mumble.

"You can do it. I know you can," Lance says.

Lance and I come out the next day, after explaining that I don't want to be changed back. Of course Pidge screams "I knew it!" and jumps onto the couch like the gremlin they are.

One Year Later

"Lance," I mumble while resting on the lanky boy's chest.

"Hm?" He hums in reply.

"When we get back to earth, we're adopting the most outgoing and wild child we can find. I want to have a family," I say, trying not to worry about the fear that he doesn't want this level of commitment.

"You have a family. You have Voltron, you have my family who's going to love you, and you have me."

"But...I want to start our family."

"If you really want a kid we can. I'd love to raise one with you," Lance smiles.

I smile back before leaning up and pecking his lips.

"It's a shame we can't have our own. A second you running around would be great," Lance mumbles.

"I'd rather have one that looks and acts like you. I'm boring," I say.

"But you're a Galra, that's way more interesting than having a human child."

"Considering it took torture from the Empire to get me to actually look like one, I doubt our child would look remotely like a Galra. Besides, we're adopting anyway."

"We could adopt an alien child."

"Maybe. I just want to have a family I can call my own."

Lance starts rubbing behind my ears, laughing his ass off when my tail starts to sway because of it. "You really are a kitten!"

"And kittens can bite and scratch too," I growl out.

"Is that an offer?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Fuck off, sleep in your own room," I sit up and start pushing him off the bed.

"Noooooooooo! I'll stop I swear!"

"Fine. You're lucky you're heavy," I mumble before laying back on top of him.

"I am not!"


The next chapter is the epilogue...I feel like I'm sending my child off to college. Thanks for all the support you've given this book, it's gotten so much farther than I expected. Thank you so much. Anyway, I'll leave the self promo to the end of the epilogue. Peace.

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