Keith's POV

Everything is bright and blurry. A soft groan escapes my lips unknown to me until after it happens. The quiet sound of footsteps comes to a halt. Silence.

My vision clears slightly. The footsteps start up again. A figure comes into view. When my vision clears to a point where I can make out details, I see that the figure is Lance.

"Lance?" I croak out. My throat is dry.

"Yeah Keith, I'm here. Do you need anything? If not, I have to go to Coran," Lance rambles.

"Go get Coran," I mumble.

"Will do," he runs out of the room. I push myself into a sitting position. I place my hand against my head and groan quietly. I have a headache and I'm dizzy. What does that gas do?

As I'm taking in my surroundings, Lance comes back with Coran trailing behind.

"Hello Keith. It's nice to see that you're awake," Coran says with a smile.

"Yeah," I chuckle, not knowing what to say.

"I'd like to get a sample of your blood if that's okay with you. I'm also going to need a body scan, just to see if there's any physical differences in your blood. Does that sound okay?"

"Um, yeah sure," I answer, not really paying attention to what he's saying.

Coran takes out an empty syringe. My eyes widen and my heart beat speeds up.

"Is-Is the syringe really necessary?" I mumble. I don't get an answer. That probably means Coran didn't hear me.

Lance speaks up, "Coran, can I talk to you for a se- tick."

"Of course. What do you need?"

Lance glances my way for a split second before looking back at Coran. "Outside?" He gestures to the door.

"Oh okay."

And out they go.

Lance's POV

"Something's going on with him," I say a bit louder than I intended to.

"Yes, isn't that why I'm checking in on him?"

"No Coran, something is seriously wrong. Did you see his hand?"

"No is something wrong with it?"

"It's turning purple, of course something's wrong with it! I don't think he's noticed it though."

"I'll check it out during the scan. Is there anything else bothering you?"

"Um, the way Keith was when you pulled out the syringe, I don't think you should use it. Especially since that could be linked to memories of what the Galra did to him."

"I need a blood sample. Do you think you could keep him distracted while I take it?"

"I sure can!"

"Okay let's go," Coran says as he opens the door. I go in with him following.

"What were you talking about?" Keith asks when he sees us. I walk to the table and sit next to him.

"Nothing important. Just how much better I am than you," I smirk.

"I'm serious Lance. What were you talking about that I couldn't hear?"

My face grows serious. "We didn't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean?"

I take Keith's hand and rest my other hand on his shoulder, looking quickly to Coran as a sign before speaking, "We thought you already knew." The needle slips under his skin. His eyes widen but I tighten my grip to keep him still and keep talking. "But, I truly am the better pilot." Coran looks up as he takes the needle out of Keith's arm. I smirk but the smile drops when I see the look on Keith's face.

It's a look of pure terror, pure fear. His eyes are watering. Maybe mortified is a better word to explain how he looks. He looks like I just murdered and ate his puppy. A tear silently rolls down his pale cheek.

"Keith, he's done now. I'm sorry but he needed a sample."

"Sh-she," he takes a breath. "I-it's fine. I understand." He offers a forced smile. In return I rub his arm gently.

"Coran couldn't hurt a soul, even if he tried. You can trust him," I let out a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah I guess."

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