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Lance's POV

Keith has been in the healing pod for a week now. Coran said he should be out any minute now so everyone has gathered around it. So it's needless to say that when the faint hiss of the pod opening resonated through the room, everyone stood straighter with their eyes wide staring straight at the pod.

Keith fell out into Hunk's arms since he was the closest. My breath catches in my throat. Before I get to voice my concerns Allura does, "Keith, your scars. They're still visible."

Keith tries to push away from Hunk but wobbles too much to stand. Hunk loosens his grip so Keith can stand. Said wobbling boy stares at his arms in horror, specifically his left arm. That's the arm that was bleeding the most when I got him. The scar was a long streak of slightly darker skin going from the middle of his upper arm and all the way down to his hand. He lifts the shirt covered in dried blood and his breath hitches.

Allura, Hunk, and Pidge clamp a hand over their mouth with wide eyes. Coran mumbles something incoherent under his breath. Shiro stares on with his disappointed look. His disappointed look isn't directed at anyone else. It's directed towards himself.

"Keith...," I trail. He looks up with a blank stare. How is he completely unfazed? "What happened? What did they do to you?"

"Lance give him some time to calm down. You don't know what he could be feeling," Allura scolds gently.

"You hungry? I could make you something," Hunk offers.

Keith nods. "That sounds nice. Thanks Hunk," he says before walking with Hunk out of the room and towards the kitchen. It seems he can walk a bit better.

"He's acting weird," Pidge observes,"Quieter."

"Who knows what they did to him, Pidge. They do horrible stuff to their prisoners. I'd be concerned if he wasn't acting a little weird," Shiro says.

"Give him time to rest," Coran says, "It could just be his way of coping. If he doesn't open up in a week or two, then you can worry. It's unhealthy to keep your emotions bottled up like this for too long."

"We should go with them," Pidge says. We agree and begin to walk to the kitchen. When we get there, Keith is sitting on one of the counters and Hunk is talking to him. The food must be cooking.

"And then Pidge was like, 'That ship looks dangerous, we should go after it.' but Shiro turned them down and instead decided to wait to see if they attacked first. They did. Pidge was right."

A small smile forms on Keith's face. Hunk looks past him and towards us. Keith follows his gaze and turns to see us. "Hey," he says.

"Hi Keith. Are you feeling any better?" Allura asks before sitting next to him on the counter. She clearly looks uncomfortable like this.

"A little bit. I'm still kind of fuzzy from the pod but beside that I'm feeling good. Hunk was filling me in on what I missed."

"Yeah and I seem to be the topic of discussion," Pidge says as they hop on the counter on the other side of the pale boy.

"He says you were very irritable."

"Yes because all Lance and him were doing was screaming outside my lab and my room. It was like I had banshees following me."

"It's not my fault Hunk kept dangling me upside down. It's not like it was my decision when and where he did it."

"You were grumpy! I was lifting your spirits!"

"Yeah, sure," I grumble, crossing my arms.

Suddenly Keith groans. His face contorts into one of pain and he covers his ears with his hands.

Keith's POV

Everything is too loud. It sounds like everyone is screaming. My heart beat speeds up. It grows silent except for the white noise in the background that sounds like it's practically blaring.

"Are you okay? Keith? Keith please," Allura asks concerned. "Are you o-"

"Stop talking!" I shout. It makes my ears ring but it makes the silence come back.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I flinch, slapping it away. The sounds quiet down. I relax my shoulders which I didn't even notice had tensed up. "S-sorry," I mumble.

"I'll take that as you're not okay," Lance states.

"What's gotten into you? Is it because of the-," I cut Shiro off.

"No it's not because of them. It's just a-just a migraine. I'm fine."

"That didn't look or sound like a migraine Keith," Shiro says. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"It's really nothing. I'll be fine," I say quietly. "Sorry. I think I should go rest," I mumble getting up. Once I'm in the hallway and make sure no one can see me, I start running for my room. When I get in, I lock my door and sit on the edge on my bed.


Just shit.

Why did I react like that? Why am I flinching away more than usual? Is it reflexes from what the Galra did to me? Yes. That's it. God, I didn't think it'd effect me like this. I usually handle stuff much better.

What about the sounds? Should I just go with the theory it was probably just the injections? If so, what were those injections for? This wasn't happening before. I don't like this. I should tell someone. No. They'd treat me like I'm some kind of package with a fragile sticker on it. I can't let them know. If it gets worse, then I'll tell them. Then and only then. For now, it's not a big deal.

I can't help but wonder though. What was Haggar talking about? I shouldn't let this bother me. She was probably just trying to get under my skin. I've tried to shove the thought away but it just keeps coming back. Why? What's so special about this thought? I pushed it away and came up with an answer. It should stop bugging me. It won't though. This is stupid. I'm worrying over nothing.

I groan and throw my head into my hands. Why is this so difficult? I just want things to go back to the way they were before I was captured! But no, the world decides to mess with me. Maybe the world should just leave me alone! Maybe the team should just leave me alone! I'm defective! I'm not going to be of much help if these stupid thoughts don't stop plaguing me!

Just forget the thoughts and they'll leave you alone. You can do this.

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