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I'm officially off of hiatus for this book. Thank you for letting me take some time to get chapters preprepared. Quick reminder I have a cover contest going on, see next chapter for rules.

"Lance! Stop!" I shout. "This isn't okay!"

"No! You're talking to Hunk!" Lance shouts.

"He'll call me a kitten again!"

"Shut up!" He yanks on my tail again, forcing me to whimper and move forward. "You need to see everyone eventually."

I give up and move with him so I don't get more pain inflicted upon me. "Why can't I wait until tomorrow?"

"Because you need to eat. I'm not letting you starve yourself to avoid being called a kitten."

"Just bring me food then."

"Nope. Family bonding time. Let's go."

I slump forward and walk with the persistent boy. I swear to god I'm actually about to murder Lance.

We walk into the dining room and sit down. I fiddle with the end of my tail and glare at it. Stupid thing making my look like a stupid cat. Stupid Galra for making me look like a stupid kitten. Fuck them.

People start filing in, starting with Shiro and Allura and ending with Coran. We get up to get our food and I walk with my tail pressed behind my leg and inside my pants.

"Why are you walking so awkwardly?" Shiro asks. I ignore him and try to keep moving toward my food. It doesn't work. "Keith, what's wrong?"

"Uh...I'll tell you when we're done."

He looks concerned but satisfied with my answer because he leaves me alone. He's not going to let me go after we eat until I tell him and we both know it.

I go to stand from the table when I'm done eating but Shiro stops me. "Keith."

"I-I know. I'm just putting my plate away."

As I walk away I hear someone say, "What was that about?" Pidge.

"We had an agreement. I'll explain later," Shiro brushes off. The clinking of utensils resumes.

I put my plate on the counter in the kitchen and walk back to the table. Lance looks at me as I rub at my eyes, wanting to be able to relax.

"You should just say it while everyone's here," Lance whispers. "I'm surprised they didn't see it yet."

"Can't I just keep stuffing it in my pant leg?" I whisper back.

"What about when we're in battle?"

"Where else can I put it in my suit? It's not like they came with tail holes."

"That's why we should tell them. Hunk or Coran can put a tail hole in."

"Hunk knows how to sew?"

"Yeah, he helped make my jacket," Lance says with a fond smile.

"It's really well made," I mumble.

"I know right? Whenever I try to compliment or pay him for it he turns it down, sayin- just tell them! Stop getting off track!" He stage whispers.

"What's with the whispering?" Shiro asks. "If we're supposed to keep working as a team we can't be keeping secrets."

"I-I have something I need to show you guys," I spit out. Better now than never.

"Finally," Pidge and Lance say simultaneously.

I stand up and move so everyone can see me. I reach behind me and pull the tail out. "S-so my heritage kinda...it caused a few problems in the past with a bit of help from the druids. But...the-...the problems didn't stop. I'm...irritable, more than usual, and I have less control over my emotions. But there's also more...physical changes. I...have a tail now." I turn around and let said new body part sway behind me.

"You're like a cute little ki-" Hunk says but he gets cut off. I turn around and see Lance and Pidge covering his mouth.

"This is why you've been slacking during training? And walking so awkwardly?" Shiro asks. I nod.

Suddenly, Coran cuts in. "We have to make some changes to your uniform then! We can't have you walking around with a lump going down your leg! That is...unless Pidge found a way to change you back."

Pidge goes to talk but I cut her off. "I don't know if I wanna be changed back. I'm still...thinking it over a bit."

"You're considering staying this way?" Allura asks.

"If it makes you uncomfortable I'll let Pidge help without question, I just...I've gotten comfortable like this. More than I was when it started."

"It's no problem. I'm happy you're on your way to accepting yourself," Allura smiles.

Lance gets up and stands beside me. I look at him and he grabs my hand. "You did it. But it's really killing Hunk so just let him call you a kitten," he drops the sentimentality.


"Yeah?" Said man squeaks.

"Go ahead," I mumble.

Hunk jumps up and starts scratching my ears. Why does that feel so nice? "You're so cute! Wait, is this making you uncomfortable?" He pulls his hand away but I grab it and put it back to my ear.

"No...you're fine."

"Keith...are you a furry?" Lance asks, creeping around to scratch my other ear.

"Sh-Shut up!"

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