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Keith's POV

The restraints are stronger and tighter this time. That can't be good. Haggar walks in. Haggar. The name suits her considering she's such a wicked old hag. But she's not the part that scares me. It's the cart of tools and syringes being pushed in by the guard that brought me here. Another guard follows him in.

Haggar walks up to me and grabs my face between her fingers. "You truly are a rare case. And an odd one at that."

"What do you mean?"

"You really don't know," she says in pure amusement. "That just makes this that much better." If I'm not mistaken, I think she's smirking.

"What dont I know? Answer me!"

Haggar releases my face as a small shock is administered through the metal table. I remain unfazed by biting the inside of my cheek.

"You have a good tolerance for pain as well," she mutters.

I struggle against the restraints. Just as I suspected. Still useless. Another shock is administered. This time the shock had a higher voltage. Haggar picks up one of the syringes, the pink one to be exact. The needle slides into my skin. She presses the liquid in slowly and each second the burning sensation grows worse than the last. The needle is finally removed and I let out a breath. She picks up a scalpel-looking tool and slides it over the injection sight. I bite my lip to keep from letting out strained sounds of pain, withdrawing the satisfaction that would come to Haggar with them. She continues to slide the blade over multiple places, namely my arms and stomach. She puts the scalpel down and gives my one last shock. I let out the softest, quietest whimper.

"Take him back to his cell. We're done here."

The guards take off the restraints and push me back to my cell. They throw me in so I land on my back. I shoot a glare their way as they close and lock the cell door.

I groan and go back to my usual thinking while tracing patterns into the floor routine I've grown used to.

Everyday over the course of two weeks, I'm taken in and injected with a different needle, each one burning worse than the last. My screams of agony could probably be heard across the ship. Whoever said 'In space, no one can hear you scream.' has clearly never been tortured or near a room where someone's being tortured on a Galra ship. Today is the sixteenth visit and I'm already terrified. I'd never show it though.

"Up. Today is your last session."

I stand up at their command and wait near the door. The guard handcuffs me and drags me out. I've given up trying to get away from them. After going for almost two months without training, I've lost my touch. I'd barely stand a chance against them.

I get strapped to the table like usual. Haggar walks in with a guard following her and pushing in the cart, this time it contains her tools and only one syringe.

"Do your worst," I say blankly.


Lance's POV

"Hunk!" I screech, "I don't appreciate being upside down! You're going to ruin my hair!" Yes, Hunk somehow flung me over his shoulder and I'm somehow still concerned about my hair. At least we're laughing.

Everyone is slowly going back to normal. Shiro is actually talking to us now, Allura is starting to loosen up, Pidge is still trying to track Keith but at least they're coming out of their room and leaving their projects in the lab, Coran gained his spark back, and Hunk is still leaving the extra food but he's happier. I think the food gives him a sense of hope. There's still a chance Keith will come back.

"Hunk! Put! Me! Down!" I scream, punching his thigh with each word. Just then, Pidge walks out of their room.

"Why are you screaming like a banshee? I'm trying to work," they say blankly. Oh. They're in one of those moods. You know those moods where you're in your zone and the slightest noise can take you out of it? Yeah that's the mood Pidge is in now.

"Hunk won't put me down!"

"Lance was being a grump! I merely decided to lift his spirits and turn his frown upside down!"

"You're not helping Hunk!" I scream while still hitting his legs. "Pidge, be a dear and help. Please?"

They look like they're thinking it over. A smile spreads across their face. For a second I think they're going to help. Then it dawns in me. This is Pidge. "Nope," they say, turning on they're heel before walking away.

"I'll get you back for this!" I shout after them.

Suddenly an alarm sounds through the castle. Pidge groans before running to suit up. Hunk finally puts me down and we both run to suit up. We meet Allura, Shiro, and Coran who are standing around the control panel.

"A Galra fleet is on the way. Get to your lions and Ready for attack," Allura commands. We nod and follow Shiro out.

When everyone is in their lions, Shiro starts firing commands.

"Pidge, Hunk, you keep them distracted. Lance and I are going in the main base."

"Roger that!"


"Got it!"

We fly into position and get ready to fight.

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