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Keith's POV

Everyone is staring at me like I'm some kind of lab rat. I glance up to see only sympathetic looks. I hastily look down and fidget with my hands. I don't need nor do I want their sympathy.

Lance scoffs and walks over with a washcloth. "Let's get this off your face," he mumbles. He wipes the face mask off gently and takes my hair out of the half done hair style. He steps away.

The sounds have finally calmed down. You know those videos that lure you with a caption like 'this is so calming' but then when you listen to it it's really just 'ear-rape'? That's what it sounded like.

"Keith, I really didn't want to ask you this until you were ready, but what did the Galra do to you?" Shiro asks politely.

"They didn't cause this. It's just a f-quiznacking migraine."

"You can't just blame that on a migraine," Lance comments. "I saw you when it started. You suddenly looked petrified and then broke down into screams. That's not a migraine."

"I never asked for your input Lance," I snap.

"At least he's actually talking," Pidge mumbles to Hunk.

"I can see and hear you Pidge! I'm not a science experiment! I don't need to be observed as if I'm going to explode!"

"Well you did just kinda blow up at us...," Lance mutters.

"Shut your quiznack!"

"And you said I wasn't using the word right," Lance crosses his arms. That's it, I'm ready to punch this man.

Calm down.

Deep breaths.

You can do this.

"If you don't care, Lance, then just leave. I'm sure you'd love to go back to your vanity to try to fix the mess you call your face."

It didn't work.

A small grunt escapes my lips as the sounds grow louder once again. This time they're just the slightest bit quieter. Something tells me this is the calm before the-oh, and I'm screaming again.

"Keith? Keith calm down. What's wrong?" I know Shiro's only speaking but it sounds like there's twenty of him and they're all yelling at once.

"Too loud," I manage to mumble, wincing in the process. He stops talking and leans towards Allura to whisper, "Can I have something to write with and some paper?" Allura nods and walks off. She comes back shortly and hands Shiro the pen and paper. He writes something and slides it towards me. It sounds like a piece of sand paper against plastic.

The note reads, 'What's going on?'

I take the pen from him and scribble down an answer quickly. 'Everything is too loud.'

He looks confused. 'Does it hurt?'


'Lie down and Coran can check you over. I'll make sure he keeps as quiet as he can.' I nod and lie across the table. Shiro hand the paper to Coran and Coran nods. He walks over and puts a small mask over my mouth. My vision begins to get foggy and thoughts begin to scramble. Finally, it grows quiet, and I drift to sleep.

Lance's POV

Keith falls asleep and Coran gets to work on him. We stand around awkwardly until Pidge speaks up.

"If Keith is asleep, that means we can talk now right?" They keep their voice at a murmur despite what they're saying.

"Yes, we can talk now. He won't be able to hear anything with that gas. He's out...cold," Allura answers, having difficulty thinking of what she's heard us say before. She continues on by mumbling, "But he isn't cold. If anything he's warm because of his jacket. I suppose it doesn't offer much warmth since it only goes to his ribs. "

We snicker behind her while she ponders out loud.

"Did you figure anything out yet, Coran?" Shiro asks.

"It seems something has activated in his blood. Lance, Shiro, did you happen to see anything the Galra might have done to him?"

"He was being cut open by a crazy witch," I say. "He was also being shot with something that looked like a price scanner."

"Price scanner?" Coran tilts his head.

"Earth thing."

"Oh okay. Anything else?"

"There was an empty syringe on a cart. It looked weird."

"That might be it. Did you happen to see any liquid?"

"Not that I remember."

"Okay, I'll do a further examination when he awakes. Until then, someone has to keep watch. Pick amongst yourselves who you want to stay with him. You can switch off every varga."

"I'll take first watch," Hunk raises his hand.

Pidge offers for second.

I take third.

Shiro takes fourth.

We'll alternate in this order.

We separate to go to our respective rooms or areas of choice, leaving Hunk with Keith. Allura and I walk back to my room in silence. She sits on the bed and I braid her hair in silence.

"What kind of skin do you have?" I ask while walking to my drawer.

"What do you mean?"

"Is it dry, oily, or normal?"

"Um, I don't know."

I walk over and swipe my thumb over her cheek. "Doesn't feel dry," I mumble. I move her face a bit. "Not oily either. Maybe something in between."

I walk back to the drawer and pull out a face mask. I walk back to her and kneel in front of her.

"What is that? Isn't that what you had on Keith earlier?" Allura asks.

"It's just to make your skin soft. You'll like it, trust me." I start applying it to her face. When I'm finished she begins to reach up to her cheek. I grab her wrist and put her hand down. "You can't touch it. You have to wait 15 dobashes." I set a timer on the small clock next to my bed.

Two vargas and a makeover for Allura later, a knock sounds against my door. Pidge is standing outside. I take my watch and walk back to my room to clean up. Why did I think something interesting would happen?

Three vargas and a clean room later, another knock sounds at the door. Pidge again. I make my way to the Med-Bay and look Keith over. Theres nothing different. Then a flash of color catches my eye. My eyes fall on Keith's hand. I slowly take his glove off and drop it, gasping. Keith's fingers are purple but it fades back to his normal skin color when it reaches his palm. I need to tell Coran.

I'm about to leave to get Coran when a groan sounds from behind me.

Sunshine's awake.

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