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Keith's POV

My knees are shaking, my hands are sweaty, overall, I'm panicking. I'm part Galra. I'm part of the species that tortured me for a month and a half. That's disgusting.

I sit on my bed and look at my shaking hands in my lap. My eyes land on the hand encased in purple. I clench my teeth and start to tear up. I get up and start pacing the room. Calm down. You'll be fine. You don't have to worry about the team rejecting you. You're perfectl- "AGH!" I punch the wall.

I sit back on the bed and drop my head into the palms of my hands. Someone knocks on my door. My head snaps up. "Who is it?"

"It's Shiro. How are you doing?"

I don't answer. Shiro speaks up again, "Can I come in?"

"Uh, yeah sure," I reply before thinking. I put my head back into my hands as the door opens.

"Keith? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Have you had any...episodes recently?" He sits next to me on the bed.

"No. Sorry about all of that, by the way. I didn't mean to make such a scene."

"It's not your fault Keith. You didn't want to go through that. You couldn't do anything to prevent it."

I nod. "Shiro I have to show you something...please don't freak out," I mumble into my hands.

"If it's about your arm, Coran already told me. The man can't keep a secret to save his life."

"It's not just my arm, Shiro. It-It, uh...well," I pick my head up. "It spread?"

Shiro's eyes widen. He reaches out to trace his finger along its trail. "Keith...how did this happen? What did they do to you?"

I pull my head away from his touch. "Coran said that I'm...I'm part Galra? I guess it makes sense...I never knew my mom so it could be her I got it from. But how would she stay on Earth for long enou-"

"Keith, you're rambling," Shiro cuts me off.


"It's fine. Thanks for telling me. Does anyone else know?"

"Just you and Coran. I'm still not that comfortable with saying anything yet."

"That's fine. Let me know if you need anything okay?"

"Sure thing Shiro," I smile.

Another knock sounds against the door. I sigh before asking, "Who is it?"

"It's Lance. Can I come in?"

"I guess."

The door opens and in walks Lance. His eyes drift to Shiro. "Oh, hey Shiro! Anyway, Keith, Coran told me-"

"He told you?" I shout. Why did I think he wouldn't? God I'm such an idiot.

"Yeah...he did. Anyway, I just want to say that I fully support you." Lance sits on the bed between me and Shiro. "Please, tell me all that you know."

"Uh, what Coran told you is all I know."

"Oh...quick refresher? Please?"

"He didn't tell you did he."

"Psh...whaaaaaaaat? Of course he told me! The man can't keep a secret to save his life!"

"What did he tell you Lance?" Shiro asks with a knowing smirk.

"Keith is the human equivalent of the demon emoji thing on Apple phones," Lance says while faking confidence.

"Close but no," Shiro says before I can reply.

"You told him but wouldn't tell me?" Lance shouts in my face.

"In my defense...I knew Shiro longer," I say quietly.

Lance's POV

Bitch? Bitch. Bitch! How dare he play the I-knew-Shiro-longer-than-I-knew-you card? That's hardly fair! I cross my harms and angrily pout like a child until I get what I want.

"You can't just mope and expect to get what you want," Shiro says. I pick up my hand and make movements like a mouth while mimicking Shiro in a weird voice, "You can't mope and expect to get what you want."

"Lance," he scolds.

"Stop being such a dad, you're only six so enjoy your childhood," I challenge.

"Lance." Oh now it's Keith turn to scold me and take Shiro's side like always. Well, I guess not always but you get what I mean! "Did you only come here to make fun of us or something?"

"What? No! I came here for a very good reason! I'm not only good for my fantastic pickup lines and killer insults!"

"They're hardly any good," I hear Keith mumble under his breath.

"You dare challenge me?!" I shout with endless flamboyance. "Those insults are better than our could ever be, as for the pickup lines, there nothing of yours to compare mine to so I win either way!"

"Why did you even come in here?" Keith asks, his voice full of annoyance.

"Can you pleeeeease tell me what Coran found out? You told Shiro so why can't you tell me?"

"Because Shiro's not a loud-mouth and can actually keep a secret."

"Why does it have to be a secret?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because we're beeeeeesties?"

"You keep saying we're rivals and now all of a sudden we're 'besties'?" Keith questions while doing finger quotes.

"Well, maybe not the bestest of friends but we're still friends! You can't deny that! And besides, we're teammates. Teammates don't keep secrets from each other."

"It's not that big of a deal. It's not going to affect our team."

Shiro chimes in, "Keith, you and I both know it's a big deal. Tell him, you're going to  have to tell him eventually." Yeah! Dad Shiro for the win!

"Fine...," Keith trails off into mumbling.

"Keith," Shiro scolds.

"I'm part...I'm part Galra, okay? Do you feel better now Lance?"

My eyes widen in shock. I should've seen this coming. I mean, he's purple! What other explanation is there for this?

"You can't tell anyone else! You can leave if you want," Keith starts.

"G-Galra? Galra? Really?" I stammer, still in shock.

"Yes really! Why would I lie about this?" Keith starts to shout.

"Keith," Shiro places a comforting hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Sorry, I'm just a little...shocked really. I should've seen this coming, I mean the anger issues, the weird obsession with knives, don't think I haven't seen the scratches in the walls from your collection, not to mention the fact you're undeniably violen-" I get cut off.

"Lance! Just-just leave!" Keith yells. "Just get out."

"What? Did I say something wrong? Did I take my joking too fa-"

I'm cut off by Keith again, "Yes, your joking did go too far, now get out!"

So I left. I really wish I hadn't. I wish I stayed and tried to explain things. But I didn't. I left.

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