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Keith's POV

We go down a series of hallways, me being careful to keep my head down. I hardly notice when Lotor starts talking.

"We're going to go onto one of the ships I have access to. Then, we're going to escape and use a radar to find possible locations of Voltron. Got it?" He mumbles.

"Yeah...I got it."

We get on a small ship with little notice from other guards. Lotor sits in the pilot's seat and before I know it, we're flying through space. He stays apprehensive in case someone were to try and stop us. Well, with our luck, that's just what happened.

A small fleet came out of nowhere and started firing. Lotor's dodging is sloppy and he almost got us hit more times than I can count.

"Lotor, let me at the controls," I say, not really aware of the words leaving my mouth.

"No, I've got this."

"Lotor, let me at them!" I raise my voice, which gains his attention. He gets up and I take his place in the seat. Things start to go a bit smoother. Of course there's the times I almost got us hit, but I fixed those mistakes and tried to forget about them while moving forward. Huh, seems like I'm forgetting a lot...I wonder why...

Okay, let's try to put my anger behind me. I want to survive this.

Eventually we're out of range and they stop chasing us. That's odd. I feel like they would put up more of a fight. They might not realize who's on board.

"Okay, okay, we're safe, but you don't know how to turn on the radar or do anything else on this ship so let me back in the seat," Lotor grabs the back of the chair. I push his hands off and press a button that seems like a radar button. Luckily, it is. Thank god.

"Keith, let me in the seat," Lotor sounds more stern.

"Lotor let me have this!"

He stays quiet and I keep my glare on the radar in front of me.

An Unknown Amount of Time Later

We've been floating around for a while. There's still nothing on the radar. Lotor's passed out on the floor.


My head jerks towards the radar. There's a large mass a short distance in front of us. I look back up and pilot closer until a giant white ship comes into view. It seems familiar so that must be a good sign. "Lotor! Lotor, I found it!"

His head rises up and his eyes open a tiny bit. "What?"

"I found the castle!"

His eyes widen and he jumps up and towards the seat. He presses a button on the dashboard and a screen shows up in front of me. It's blank for a while until six faces show up on the screen.

"Keith!" one of them shouts. I flinch and my ears flick back for a split second. It's the short one with ginger hair. "You have no idea how happy we are to see you!"

"We were worried sick, no thanks to you!" the tall, brunet says. Lance. Lance!

"Guys, try not to overwhelm him," a tall muscular guy says. Sh...Shiro. Yeah. Shiro! The woman that's with them has her glare locked behind me. I follow her line of vision to Lotor.

"Why is Lotor with you?" she spats. Why is she so angry?

"H-he helped me escape," I answer, my ears pressed firmly against my head.

"Awww, he has kitten ears," the big one squeals. Everyone glares at him and I let my gaze drift to the dash in embarrassment. "Oh, right, who's Lotor?" the same guy asks.

"He's Zarkon's son," the woman answers.

"You're his son?" I ask him as quiet as I can.

"Yes," he replies like it's nothing.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't want you to freak out."

"Well it's not working!" I hit him against his chest and shake out my hand. I didn't realize how hard his armor is.

Someone coughs and I look back at the screen. Right, I'm talking to people. "Uh, I didn't know this when we were on our way out," I say to break the silence.

"Clearly," the short one says.

"I'm assuming that you escaped with one of his ships and that's why you're in a Galran ship," Shiro says.

"Yeah, yeah that's exactly it. Can we land?" I ask.

The woman speaks up again, "If we let you land, Lotor is going into one of the cells while we determine what to do with him. He needs to go through with our interrogation."

I glance back at Lotor and he nods at me. "Deal," he mutters.


The red-headed guy with a mustache takes Lotor away while the rest of the team grabs me and hugs me. I tense before relaxing and hugging them back hesitantly. They pull away and look at me with giant smiles.

"Keith, you have to tell us what the Galra did to you. You can wait if you need to, we just need to know eventually," Shiro says, a gentle smile on his face.

"I actually have some questions of my own and it involves what the Galra did," I mumble.

His smile falls and is replaced with a concerned look. "Did you want to talk privately or say it to the whole team?"

"I think talking to the whole team would be better for my questions."

Shiro turns to face the rest of the team. "Meet in the common room." They all nod and start to walk out into the hallway. Shiro then turns to face me. "I've missed you so much Keith, you have no idea."

"I missed you guys too," I scratch at the long scar on my left arm. It's kind of a weird habit I've gained for when I'm tense or nervous. "Should we go meet up with the rest of them?"

"Yeah, of course. Let's go." He starts walking to the door and I follow close behind him, not wanting to get lost.

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