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Keith's POV

I get up to leave the room when a wave of nausea hits. I squeeze my eyes shut tight until the pain subsides. Once the pain finally does subside, I reopen my eyes only to be greeted with colors so bright I could make clothes from the eighties with them.

I wait a few moments before opening my eyes slowly. Everything is normal. I let out a sigh of relief before leaving the room and heading straight towards the training deck. Training helps. It makes me forget and allows me to let my anger out on something. Maybe the satisfaction of winning is what helps. It boosts my confidence and makes me feel better, almost. The feeling of uselessness lingers in the back of my mind still. It's nothing I can't handle though. I know I'm important, it just doesn't feel like it at times.

"Training level 4!"

The dummies materialize and I get to work. I throw punches and occasionally kicks, mainly using my bayard though. I don't even realize that I've made it to level 7 until the dummies all attack at once.

"End training sequence!" I am not dying today

Slow claps start from the door of the training deck. I turn to see Shiro. "Do you want some help?" he asks while walking closer.

"Uh, sure. Don't hold back though. Okay?"

"Okay. If you start straining yourself I'm stopping."

I nod and strip myself of my jacket. We get into position before starting. Shiro charges at me first but I dodge. I try to get him with my bayard but he grabs it with his prosthetic hand.

"What was wrong earlier? You seemed unsettled," he says, still fighting.

"It's nothing. It's not important." I try to hit underneath his feet but he jumps before I can.

"What did they do to you there?" Shiro mumbles more to himself than me.

"Just pay attention to the fight Shiro." He throws a punch to my gut. I stumble backwards but regain control and charge forward, slashing my bayard once I'm close enough to him. He dodges again.

"You're getting too predictable Keith. Change it up."

I glare and go harder. He's still beating me. The fight continues like this until he stops. He just stops. Out of nowhere.

"Why'd you stop?"

"You're straining yourself. You just woke up this morning. I don't think it's a good idea to push yourself so hard. Go get some rest."

"Shiro, I need to get back to where I was before. I can't just slack off."

"You can take a break Keith. You've been imprisoned for almost two months. It'd be expected of you to take a brief break. You even said you were going to take a break earlier."

"Yeah well sometimes people lie."

I turn and walk away. I walk straight out of the training room and down the hallway. It's funny how I never realized how cold the hallways are until I don't have a jacket. My scar gains a purple tint from it reacting to the cold.

Wait. I don't recognize this hallway. Shit.

Lance's POV

3 Hours Later

I can't sleep.

I'm tired, and I can't sleep. This sucks. It's not that I don't want to sleep, I just can't. Well I know better than to waste my time with nothing to do. Maybe someone else is awake so I can force them into a spa day with me.

I get up and slide my slippers on my feet. In my defense, no one likes cold feet. Or being cold in general. With that in mind, I grab my jacket.

Finally satisfied with my attire, I walk into the hallway and begin to wander. I decide to start with Pidge. I doubt they'll say yes if they're awake but it's worth a shot. I knock on the door. No answer, as expected.

Next, I go to Hunk's door. Before I can even knock, his door opens and he walks out, colliding with me. I jump out of the way, allowing Hunk to keep moving. Hunk sleep walks. How did I not know this? I turn him around and gently push him back in his room before closing and locking the door. I turn and continue walking through the halls.

Should I even try Shiro? No. Coran? No he'll ruin everything with his mustache hairs. Allura? If she's awake, I doubt she'll say yes. It's still worth a shot. That's the same thing I said with Pidge and it didn't work out. Well, it can't hurt to try.

I wander until I eventually come across Allura's room. I knock quickly a wait for a couple of ticks. The door opens. Out walks a hyper Allura.

"Yes Lance?"

"I'm surprised you're up. Uh-er-anyway, do you wanna have a spa night?" Her eyes instantly light up.

"Of course! Will anyone else be joining us?"

I think back on the people I've asked and who I ruled out. Keith is still an option. He seemed out of it today anyway. Maybe it'll be good for him. "I still have yet to ask Keith?"

"I heard him wandering the halls earlier. Lets go." Allura grabs my wrist and pulls me behind her. We go through a couple of hallways I didn't even know existed! After a while, I begin hearing a quiet voice. It's hard to make out what the voice is saying until we're within a few yards of the being it's coming from. "Keith!" Allura shouts. Said boy turns only to see us and looks instantly relieved. We slow our approach until we reach him.

"How'd you get out here?" I flail my arms.

"I walked out to wander a few hours ago and I managed to get lost in this maze. On the bright side, I found a few new rooms."

"Forget this conversation, do you want to have a spa night since you don't seem tired."

"Uh, sure?" Keith replies, unknown to him just what he's getting himself into.

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