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"Favorite childhood memory?" Lance asks. We're lying on the floor of my bedroom and playing twenty questions that turned into thirty, then forty, then fifty, and then some.

"My dad and I used to go out into the desert and catch lizards. We usually let them go but he let me keep one and I named him Harry. My dad was a huge nerd so he always said 'you're a lizard, Harry' in a Hagrid voice. I miss him so much."

"Harry or your dad?" Lance asks with a smirk. I swam my fist down on his chest and he sits up coughing.

"My dad you idiot. But I miss Harry too sometimes," I chuckle. It's my turn now. "Chocolate or Vanilla?"

"Chocolate, I don't trust vanilla. It's too clean for coming from a dark brown bean. My turn." He thinks for a moment. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to but...top or bottom?"

My face goes red as my eyes widen and my ears and tail tense. "Wh-what?"

"Top or bottom?" He repeats.

"Uh...bottom," I whisper.

"You gotta speak up buddy."

"Bottom," I repeat, shame creeping up my neck in the form of chills. "What about you?"

"Huh?" Lance tilts his head. Adorable.

"Are you a top or a bottom?"

"Top, definitely top," he answers with no hesitation. "That counts as your question so now it's my turn. Any kinks?"

"Why did the questions turn sexual all of a sudden?"

"Just answer the question. You could always lie and say you have none."

"What makes you think that I'd be lying if I said that?"

"Everyone has kinks. Especially furries," Lance smirks.

"I'm not a furry!"

"Answer the question."

"Uh...I have a thing for...um...pet names...maybe a bit of teasing and I might be a masochist...wait, why am I telling you this!?" I hide my red face in my equally red jacket as my ears press against my head.

"I'm into bdsm," Lance says.

"What the fuck Lance?" I say in a completely neutral tone.

"I didn't judge you for your kinks!"

"I just didn't think you'd be into that."

"I also like lingerie on people."

"There's the one I was expecting."

"Shut up!"

"My turn," I say, switching the subject since we're both clearly uncomfortable. "Do you still like Allura?"

"I kinda grew out of that crush a while ago. I've moved onto another teammate."


"It's a guy."

"Shiro? I know you've looked up to him for a while but I can tell you now as his brother, he doesn't like lingerie or bdsm. Plus he tops."

"It's not Shiro! And tmi!"

"Who is it?"

"I'll give you hints," Lance offers. I nod. "He's...talented."

"That could be anyone on the ship. Ew, you don't like Coran do you?"

"Well he is a pretty gorgeous man," he snickers. "It's not him."

"So I'm down to Hunk, Me, or yourself because I don't doubt you'd crush on yourself. It could be Lotor but he's still locked up."

"Back to the hints. He's...amazingly handsome, almost god-like," Lance sits up and scoots closer. I sit up with him. "He has the most dazzling eyes I've ever seen. The most unique ones too." He sits in front of me. "The softest hair I've ever touched, it puts my hair to shame." He leans forward.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I ask.

"Shhh, let me finish. He has the prettiest smile I've ever seen." He puts his hand on my chest and starts pressing me back as he leans forward. "One hell of a body." He presses me to the ground and leans forward still. "And most importantly..." He presses his lips to mine and pulls away before I can react. "The softest lips anyone could dream of kissing."

I just lay there, Lance hovering over me with his hands and legs on either side of me. My face turns red.

What's going to happen now?


I'm dying to see your reactions. Kay thanks.

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