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Uuuuuuh...smut. Just...smut. God why am I like this. Don't read if it makes you uncomfortable.

"Lance..." I start, only to be cut off by Lance kissing me again. I kiss back this time, letting my eyes slip shut. Lance deepens the kiss as I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Lance pulls away to speak. "Do you want to take this further?"

I nod my head as I pant for air.

"Are you sure?"

"Jesus Lance," I lift my head and slam our lips together again, Lance taking the hint and deepening the kiss again. He grabs under my thigh with one hand and supports my back with the other as he picks me up. Once we're up he moves his hand from my back to my other thigh. He lays me down on the bed, a instantly crawls over me. He pins my hands down next to my head.

Lance pulls away from my lips and presses kisses along my neck, stopping at certain sensitive spots to suck and bite. I let a quiet moan escape my lips.

"You can be loud Kitten," Lance mumbles against my skin. I shiver at the feeling of his breath against my neck. He moves my hands above my head and holds them with one. "I'm gonna take your shirt off, is that okay Kitten?"

I nod and Lance pulls my shirt over my head. He leans down and presses kisses on my chest. The kissing soon turns into sucking, soon followed by biting, my moans filling the room. He kisses down to my stomach and tugs at my pants.

"P-Please Lance," I moan.

He pulls my pants off and attacks my exposed hips because of my loose boxers. He leaves several bite marks on each side, me moaning loudly throughout. He reaches up and gathers most of my hair into his fist, tugging harshly. My breath hitches. "L-Lance!"

Said teen tugs off his own pants and boxers, revealing his dick. He goes to pull at my boxers but I press a hand against his chest. "C-condom." (The chances of space stds aren't cool)

"Oh, right." As Lance leans to go through his drawer, I lean up and start pressing kisses to his neck. He shivers while digging through the drawer. He finally sits back with me and presses a kiss to the base of one of my ears. He whispers, "Are you ready?" as he pulls my boxers off.

I nod my head. "Please," I whine.

"I want you to scream for me sweetheart. I want people to hear you."

"Pidge won't l-let us live it d-down."

"Shhhh, it'll be fine," he reassures before pulling me into his lap and pushing a finger into my entrance. I gasp as he adds another finger, starting to thrust them in and out. He adds a third and I moan out.

"Lance...p-please, I'm re-ready," I beg.

"Not yet," he pulls his fingers out and I whine from the loss. "You need to beg more than that."

"Please Lance. Go-go hard, please! I can take it. P-please. I-I'll scream for you i-if you want," I spew out. In the middle of my words, Lance trusts into me and I become a moaning mess.

"L-Lance..." I stop to breathe. "Harder."

"No c-can do, we're taking this niiiice and slow."

My breath hitches as he speeds up, contradicting his previous words. "Lance!" He pushes in at a certain angle that makes me scream. He smirks at the sound and pushes in there again, determined to hit the same spot. Without surprise, he does, making me scream even louder, my moans turning into incoherent pleads. I dig my nails, well, claws into his back, scratching it to the point of no return.

"L-Lance I-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I release onto both our chests, Lance following soon after, filling the condom. We stay in that position for a while, me letting Lance's poor back go and Lance whispering praises into my ear.

He soon pulls out and ties the condom shut before throwing it away in the bathroom trash. He comes back with a wash cloth and cleans my chest off, having cleaned his off in the bathroom. He puts the cloth in the bathroom and comes back to the bed.

I already crawled under the covers by the time Lance comes back. He climbs in with me and lays on his back. I wrap my arm over his waist and rest my head on his chest, my ear twitching at the sound of his heartbeat. Lance wraps his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer to his thin frame.

"Lance?" I mumble in my half asleep state.

"Yes Kitten?" he responds.

"I love you, so much. I've been..." A yawn interrupts me. "I've been thinking a lot about...my feelings for you and I just...I just love you so much."

"I feel the same way Keith. I love you too," he presses a gentle kiss to my head, being the final thing I hear and feel as I drift to sleep.

I'm a Mess (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now