Prologue 1

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Dedicated to larhmiday, a good friend and an even great writer. Guys go check out her book, "A WOMAN OF STEEL" .....

Malibu, California.
August 11,1998.

"Ma-ma, ma-ma." I baby talked. Being an eight month old baby, I was gradually able to bring up coherent words little by little. Mum would say monosyllabic words to me and I would try to pronounce them. She would smile and throw me up into the air and catch me. I used to be frightened when she started it but now, it was so much fun to me and I'd always end up giggling tirelessly.

It was mom's 30th birthday and the party outside the house made it seem like the birthday of someone who clocked 100 years old. We loved parties in my family and as a baby, I never cared about much, but enjoyed the attention everyone gave me and the tidbits of cake placed in my mouth during such events.

Today, my extended family came. Aunt Rachael, mom's younger sister and her husband, Uncle Simon, brought Anabelle, my cousin who was a year older than me. She always played with me anytime she visited. Aunt Rachael was always drunk in most parties. Mom said she was an alcohol addict. She had been to rehab six times but she got worse by the day.

Everyone was cheerful and smiled at mum and I in the kitchen. Dad came over and I stretched out my hands for him to carry me. He did and I was content.

"Baby, go say hi to the guests outside." Dad nudged mum with his free hand.

"Oh dear! I can't believe, as the celebrant, I'm not out yet. I need to go change." She chuckled as she hurried up the large stairs leading to the various rooms in the mansion.

Yes, mansion! My parents were super wealthy people. Dad's father was an Ex-senator and he made a lot of money during his time in office. He was kind and liberal. He used his money to help a lot of people. Grandma and him both died long before I was born. Apparently, they were already too old.

Mum's parents on the other hand, were quite vain. They were the stereotypical rich people who were snobby to others, especially poor people. Mum grew up to be like them. She carried herself with so much class and sophistication that made people sneer. She had just two friends, and I know that they were only friends because they benefitted from one another. Once, one of them got bankrupt, they threw her out of the circle. When she got back on her feet again, they brought her back into the circle.

I know I'm just a baby but I know so much. Although I was born tabula rasa, sometimes I wonder if God placed an extra brain in my head which made me understand my environment.

Dad took me out to the large area full of people from influential positions. I heard the governor was in our midst as well but I haven't seen him. Mum came out, dressed in one of the prettiest gowns I've ever seen. Her hair was styled to perfection. She walked towards us with confidence and everyone clapped.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to announce to you that this beautiful woman right here is my wife. I'm so lucky to call her my wife because I know I don't deserve her." Dad paused to clear his throat. "I love her dearly and I want to make a toast to more wonderful celebrations, more love and more happiness. Happy birthday darling. Cheers!"

Everyone clinked their wine glasses and I watched mum wipe a tear off her face. Dad's an American-Jamaican. Mom's parents never wanted her to get married to him at first because he was black. They both shared racial prejudices and imposed this belief on mom. But she fell in love with him, going against her Scottish parents. They eloped and got married. The only reason her parents were able to come to terms with it was because of my birth. My grandparents were madly in love with me at first sight. They decided to give my dad a chance since he gave them something special; me.

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