Chapter 27

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The aroma of something simmering woke me and I tried to get up. The alarm on my phone chanted 8:30pm and I became aware that I had slept for about two hours. I still needed more sleep but I was starving. I searched my bag for my shampoo, beauty soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, then followed the walls and was able to trace the bathroom where I managed to take a shower. The water was so cool, it wiped off sleep completely from my eyes. I brushed my teeth and washed my hair. I did all this just in case I was too tired to do so after eating.

My cane was placed on the walls beside my bed and I took hold of it and walked out of the room, allowing the smell of food lead me. A moment later, I heard some banter in what I perceived to be the kitchen and as soon as I stepped in, they stopped.

This was one of the moments I felt my self esteem drain.

"Am I interrupting anything?" I asked, my voice tremulous.

"Of course not. I bet you must be starving." Mr Green, sorry-Taylor, replied. My stomach growled at that point and he chuckled. He helped me get seated and fetched my food.

"Jase and Tess are out to get some late night groceries."Gemma, who was also in the room spoke.

"They should have called me. I would gladly have gone with them." I responded feeling slightly sad.

"Jason woke you up twice but you only mumbled some words and fell asleep. I told him talking in your sleep meant you were still tired. I insisted they left without you." she said again and I covered my face, mortified that they caught me sleep-talking. It was undoubtedly a habit which was rare but not extinct. Whenever I was tired and slept, it offensively ended up that way.

"You're right. I'm sorry if I bothered you." I answered. She only laughed and helped arrange my table and Taylor brought my food and I pigged out on it. It was very delicious.

"This tastes so good." I said in between chewing and swallowing. The chicken was fantastic. Who knew the Brits could cook this good?

"You like it?" Gemma asked and I nodded. "It's Britain's famous Chicken Tikka Masala." She seemed proud of the food and began to tell me the recipe. I listened although I knew I would never prepare it. Mum never allowed me cook and I wouldn't blame her though. I only sat down while she cooked.

"It's amazing. You're a great cook." I knew she beamed at my compliment because I heard a tiny gasp. Tess and Jason weren't living with them so I predicted the compliments didn't come by often apart from that of Taylor's. It felt good to cheer her up.

I was over satisfied and dizzy which was weird since food was known to give energy not take it away. I excused myself after hugging them both goodnight. I wanted to call Jason but decided not to disturb their grocery shopping spree. Maybe they met some familiar faces had a lot of catching up to do.

I drifted off again only to wake up bright and early with arms wrapped around my waist. It wouldn't take rocket scientist to figure that it was Jason. I wanted to pee and I knew if I didn't get on with it, I'd have a burst bladder. I succeeded in unwrapping his arms and rushed to the toilet, remembering the route I traced with the walls. After peeing, I sighed, grateful for the release. I opted on m
taking a shower so I could get some breakfast. I wouldn't wake him up yet. I wondered what time he came home. He needed the sleep.

I went back to the room quietly and opened one of the two luggage I brought, the larger one containing clothes. I searched and found a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy long sleeve shirt, my body lotion, a comb and my fluffy slippers which I carried back into the bathroom and made full use of. This time around, I didn't wash my hair, because it was still damp from last night's wash. In lieu of that, I packed my hair the messy bun style Ana taught me during Thanksgiving last year. When I was done, I left for the kitchen and wasn't surprised when I heard giggles emanating from there. When an old married couple shows acts of love to each other, I'm always inspired to believe that true love exists and lasts for eternity.

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