Chapter 16

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But I couldn't sleep. I felt so uncomfortable. My clothes felt soggy with sweat, the mild fragrance I sprayed in the morning and the tears I shed. Moreover, the make up was already greasy. I felt so uneasy. I quickly jumped out of bed, took my clothes and boots off as I headed to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. I washed off the make up, took a shower and then washed my hair. After that, I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom for my closet to wear my cotton pajamas and hobbled to the bed.

Feeling much comfortable, I snuggled into my blanket and was about to call it a night when my phone rang from my bag which I had placed on the floor earlier.

"Hello?" I said to the phone after I had retrieved it.

"Hey. You didn't call me like we agreed." Jason's sultry voice resounded and I sighed. I was enthralled, whenever I heard his voice, I felt the emotions I couldn't decipher.

"Oh goodness! I completely forgot. I'm so sorry."

I remembered we agreed that I would call after speaking with mum and dad. I hope he wasn't mad at me.

"No problem. I just got worried and that's why I decided to call you. How did it go with your parents?" He asked.

"It wasn't what I expected. Dad was so happy. He said he remembers you as a smart and great kid and still owes you for encouraging me to read when I was a child. You have his blessing."

"That's great. I was actually scared that he might forbid us from being together. You know, your dad plays a significant role in your life and if he doesn't agree, it might end up being a tug of war for me to be with you."

"Lucky you!" I exclaimed.

He chortled and I smiled.

"What about your mum?" He asked.

I was hoping he wouldn't ask. I thought about not telling him of mum's negative response but decided against it. If I were to be a loyal girlfriend, I had to be honest about everything.

"She didn't take it well. She said over her dead body and it was so ridiculous. I didn't even know when I started crying as a result of her outburst. She called you a... a lowlife." I said the last part in soft tones so he wouldn't hear me but I guess he did because he gritted his teeth.

"She made you cry? Shit, I'm terribly sorry." He said a while later. I thought he was mad because of mum's insults but instead he was mad because I cried. I knew he cared about me a great deal and I was grateful.

"Yeah. But it was nothing though. Dad comforted me and I stopped crying. It's no biggie." I responded, reassuringly so as to let him know that all went well.

"No biggie? She made you cry. If she weren't your mother, I would definitely have some things to say to her. Damn, I'm really mad."

"I'm alright Jason. There's no need to freak out. Let's change the subject please."

"God, I wish I was there with you right now. You know, to comfort you and stuff." he said.

"And stuff? What do you have in mind boyfriend?" I teased and he laughed.

"Nothing you can't handle. But seriously, I promised I was gonna treat you as a princess because that's who you are. My princess." He said.

"Aww! Who knew you could be this cheesy?"

"I am, but only when it comes to you. Aside you, I am the most serious man ever."

"Well, I want only the cheesy side of you."

"Really? So you want romance? But I warn you, I could be very sentimental and cliché. Are you up for it?"

Who wouldn't want her boyfriend to be romantic and cliché?

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