Chapter 33

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What! That was disbelieving!

I laughed hard at his words because I knew it wasn't possible. Being blind for twenty years and all of a sudden, I could see?

I laughed harder.

"What's so amusing?" He asked. In a way, I guessed he folded his arms, expecting the reason behind my laughter.

"You are! I can't believe you'd think I can see. It is absolutely hilarious! I've always been blind and I don't think I'll ever see." I emphasized each word for his crystal understanding.

"Well, maybe I was wrong. Come on, let's go home." He ended the argument and I was glad for the change of subject. I stood up and dusted off some sand from my hands and the back of my jeans. We held hands again as we walked back to where his car. I found myself missing the lake instantly and hoped I'd come here again.

The ride was as brief as before and we were completely silent the whole time. But I managed to clasp his knee, silently reassuring him all is well.

We got home—I can't believe I was referring to his home as mine already, forward much?—and he draped his hand over my shoulder and led me in, I had never been nocturnal, therefore, I was drowsy.

"Mum has tidied up the sheets for you." He spoke for the first time since the drive back home. I nodded and added thanking Gemma tomorrow on my top list. He helped me lay comfortably and stood to leave. I clasped his hands and he halted.

"Stay with me, please." I pleaded and he agreed, like he was waiting for me to ask. He excused himself to turn off the light on the wall and my bedside lamp although I made use of neither.

He settled into the bed with me and I was nearly easing into his arms when the same sudden bright moment took place again, which had me groaning in pain.

"Its happening again. But what's the excuse this time? You turned off the light... Hold up a second, what if my eyes are burning up and are in the process of melting?" I grimaced at the thought.

"I can't believe I'm in love with a drama Queen." He scoffed and although he teased, my heart constricted with pleasure noting that he said once again or for the hundredth time that he was in love with me. Definitely what I wanted to hear all the time.

"But to ease off your confusion, I turned on my torch again....Ow!" He fake-shrieked when I hit him—harmlessly though—on his ribs.

"I just wanted to be sure about the torch's connection to your pain. I believe something is wrong." He expounded.

"Are you trying to say I might see, again?" I asked, half in hope and the other half in fear of the worst.

"It's still a hypothesis. Anything is possible. We aren't sure yet. You need to see the doctor immediately when you get back to America." He replied.

What if it meant worse than it seems and I end up blind forever? The thought of not seeing my family, kids, friends, and others in the future, scared me.

He realized the direction of my thoughts and hugged me while we laid down.

"No matter what happens, I won't leave you. I love you so much and can't survive without you so there's no way I'm gonna watch anything bad happen to you." He kissed my nose and placed his forehead on mine. Our breaths mingled and I felt alive. Here I lay, with the man of my
life, promising to never let me go.

"I love you too." I said with a smile.

Before I slept, I was assured that we were in this together.


In the morning, Jason narrated what happened to his parents, well, not what you're thinking at the moment; He didn't tell them our confessions of love. No, not that! To be exact, he told them about the incidents with the torch. Up until now, I still didn't believe I saw the radiation of the torch twice, I guess it was from the headaches I've had in a while but I couldn't tell him that. I didn't want to disappoint him on the prospect of me being able to see.

"I guess you have to tell your parents about this when you return home. They would know what to do." Taylor advised and I agreed. Mum and dad would know better.

Friends and relatives of the Greens called to show their appreciation for the lunch and dinner yesterday. Foster and the triplets were overly excited to hear from me and also asked when I was leaving. They hung up but not before Foster narrated how he'd been using my name to make the boys do some house chores, especially tidying up their rooms and eating broccoli and other veggies. I found it funny but was nonetheless, impressed. To help him further, I told the kids that if they obeyed their father, they could come see me off at the airport. They were thrilled and promised to do exactly as I asked.

"It's really quite hilarious watching a bunch of kids crush on an adult. I hope I never get that kind of treatment." Tess commented. We hadn't talked much since dinner yesterday, but I planned to tell her everything possibly on our flight back home.

"I bet you won't. Cassie's a sweet person, unlike someone I know." Taylor clapped back. Although we all knew he was only kidding, we laughed just to spite her. We succeeded, Tess fumed and I knew she might burst at any moment.

"Dad! You're supposed to counter that by saying I'm sweet and the best daughter ever!" She tried correcting him.

"Okay. You're sweet and the best daughter ever!"He replied, mimicking her tone and that irked her more.

She stomped her feet and I could imagine how irritated she felt. I didn't wish to be in her shoes.

"All right. I'm sorry." Taylor apologized, "I was only pulling your leg. You're the sweetest, most beautiful daughter in the world." He added.

"Aw! Thanks dad." She replied and I marveled at how they settled immediately. If it were perhaps mum and I, an apology would be nonexistent.

"Come Cassie, let's go pack our bags." Tess helped me up and then we left the rest at the living room.

Well, I guess it wasn't bad if I told her everything now. I had nothing much to pack which equated to enough girl-time for us.

I explained everything to her, starting from dinner yesterday to my headache, Gemma's assistance, the lake, Jason's confession of love for me-this part she squealed, hugged me vigorously and reminded me not to leave her behind if there were wedding bells soon—I was mortified but blushed inwardly—then I further expounded on the incidents with the torch. She listened with undivided attention and at the end hugged me so tight, I thought I'd break. She then said she was here for me no matter what and I was already a sister to her. I succumbed to the hug, glad I had a good friend and a new sister.

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