Chapter 22

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I was flooded with sleep and about to drift off to slumberland, when someone knocked lightly. I heard the sound of the knob and the door opened and someone stepped in. I was still lying on the same spot without making a move.

"Can I come in?" It was Jason.

"You're already in! So there's no need to ask for my permission." I said. He sniggered and then pulled himself together perhaps to sound stern.

"I've been looking all over for you." He said and I noted the sadness in his voice.

"Come here." I said and patted the bed for him to come lay beside me. He did.

I searched for his hand and when I found it, I threaded it through mine. I guess everyone has their share of insecurities. I guess if I were in Jason's shoes, I would react the same way. I don't even know how many girls have stared and still stare at him when he's away from me. Scratch that, I don't want to imagine how many girls do that. Perhaps, if I could see and notice their stares or flirtatious behavior, my nostrils would flare with jealousy  and anger that I would burst in rage. So his actions were understandable.


"George and I were in my room the whole time. He had something to say to me and Ana was about to freak out because we were noisy so I asked him to come here." I said at long last.

"Okay." He said.

I was actually expecting him to rant a little about George and I being together but I was surprised by his short reply.

"Just okay? You aren't going to say more?" I inquired, still stunned.

"Yeah. What else were you expecting me to say?" He enquired as well.

"For starters, I thought you might be jealous and act weird. I just didn't expect you to say ‘okay’." I retorted and then he exhaled slowly, letting my words sink in.

"I admit I was jealous initially but I just thought about it while watching the movie downstairs. I trust my friends and I trust you too, more than you can ever imagine. I know he needed your advice so there's nothing wrong with you both being together." He expounded.

"Thank you for trusting me." I replied genuinely and squeezed his hand.

"I'm clearly surprised myself. George never really talks about his problems to others so he must really see something in you that urged him to open up ." He said again.

"He wants to propose to Valerie and he needed my advice on romance." I didn't feel the need to hide it from him and therefore I explained everything, including my perspective on romance and the whole discussion between George and I.

"You sure are a hopeless romantic." Jason said after I was done with the explanation.

"Hell yeah! I sure am." I concurred. We laid silently after that and my thoughts wandered back to my series of imaginations on the girls who probably ogled Jason in my presence and absence. It was saddening.

"Do they stare at you?" I asked out of the blue.

"I don't understand. Who are you referring to?" He asked in return, completely puzzled.

"Girls. Do they, you know, stare at you when you walk by, at the Grocery store, Cinema, at school, England and everywhere else?" I explained.

"Sure lots of them stare at me. At the mall, especially at school. I've actually gone out with so many girls, I can't count." He answered.

"Oh!" I stated.

His reply was way out of what I thought he'd say. I felt a burning sensation in my heart, mind and soul. What I felt, definitely had a name.

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