Chapter 13

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We had our first date at Central Park. Jason took me to a secluded spot and said what he arranged was a picnic. I was overwhelmed and excited. We sat on a fluffy blanket placed on the grass and then he left and proceeded to bring out the food from his car.

"What are we having?" I couldn't make out the aroma because it was still covered in the basket.

"Just something light. I still want you to have dinner with your family tonight if possible." he answered.

Aw! He was so caring enough to consider me having dinner with my family. What normal guy does that anyway? They're all just concerned about spending all the time they could get at all costs.

"That's not a problem. Mum said to spend enough time with you. I don't have to go home early."

"Great." I knew he was happy because I sensed him grin from ear to ear. He brought out the food from the basket and helped serve mine.

"Here's your meal. Enjoy." He handed me a plate and a glass that was ice cold.

I picked up the food which was still wrapped in a foil pack and sniffed it. There was definitely no argument there as the ambrosia from the rice, beans, cheese, diced vegetables and salsa diffused all over in an appetizing way. I did the same to the drink and smiled.

"Tacos and Pepsi." I told him. He seemed to be in a daze and couldn't comment.

"How do you do it?" He asked after a while.

"Do what?" I asked seemingly confused.

"How do you know the food and drink without seeing or tasting them yet?" He expounded and I sighed.

"When you're blind, the rest of your sense organs work faster. I just had to sniff in the aroma from the plate to know it was tacos and the drink, I was conflicted between Pepsi or Coca-Cola. But since I personally prefer Pepsi to coke, I just took a wild guess, and..." I took a sip from the drink. "I am correct." I replied after realizing it was indeed Pepsi.

"Wow, that's amazing! You're amazing." I could feel my cheeks turn pink by his compliment. I was too smitten to answer, instead I ate my food in silence.

"Have you told your parents about me?" He asked when I was half way through my meal.

"I just told them I met someone. I didn't say your name. But mum was thrilled. Dad doesn't know yet. I'll tell him soon."

I knew dad would be happy too because when Jason left, he got worried and tried to find out why.

"Jason, what Tess said about you, is it true?"

Sincerely, this question flooded my mind ever since Tess blurted out things I never knew Jason did.

"Eh... Yes. But I was hoping to say that and many more at the right time." He replied, already embarrassed again. If I could see, I was sure to see him blush.

"Okay. Let's take things slow then." I chipped in.

"But that's it. I want to take things slow and at the same time I want things to accelerate. I don't want to lose you again, Cassiopeia. That's my greatest fear. I'm not sure I would survive." His words completely melted my heart. If there was any time I had doubts concerning Jason's feelings, just hearing him speak right now, quenched those doubts.

"I want your undivided attention Jason." I replied and when I knew he listened eagerly, I proceeded. "I don't know what the future holds, but I promise to cherish these moments with you for as long as I'm alive. I was very sad when you left. I thought I'd never be with you again and now that you're here, I'll do all it takes to make sure my second best friend never leaves me." I really hope what I said was able to reassure him as it did me.

What he did took me by surprise. I felt something press against my lips. It took me a moment to realize that I was being kissed. I always thought that perhaps my first kiss would be when I was fifty and an old man would give me a quick kiss and disappear into thin air.

Craziest thought ever, I know. But I was hopeless when it came to this.

I didn't even know how to respond to the kiss but he cradled both sides of my face and pulled me closer and I lost it and kissed him back, our lips moved like they were made for each other. I lost track of time, all that mattered was Jason and I. I didn't know if we spent a few minutes or long hours and I honestly didn't care. If kisses were as good as this, then I didn't want to stop.

But I had to, well because we had to come up for air. When we parted, I felt so shy and I couldn't open my eyes but he held my chin up again urging me to open my eyes. I did and although I couldn't see anything, I felt the raw emotions between us.

"Was this your first kiss?" He asked and I nodded.

"And you?" It was my question.

"No." he cleared his throat and continued, "I hooked up with a few girls in high school but I never dated anyone. I tried my best to forget you but the harder I tried, the more your memory filled my mind. Sometimes, I imagined that you were dating someone else already. Someone to take care of you and that made me lose my mind and the girls helped me, but it was temporary. I was never committed to anyone. You're the only one I want to be with. The only girl I've always wanted."

"Are you willing?" He asked me and I got confused.

"Willing to do what?"

"Are you willing to be my girlfriend? If you're aren't ready, I can always wait. I know it's too soon and you're inexperienced but so am I. But I'm willing to be the best boyfriend ever." He kept rambling on and on until I shut him with a kiss. He kissed me back intensely and I almost died in pleasure. When we stopped, I groaned but mellowed.

"I've waited years for this, I'm ready and nothing will make me more excited than being your girlfriend."

He laughed and the sound of it tinged my ears.

"Oh Cassieopia, you don't know how long I've waited to hear those words. I promise you'd never regret it."

I smiled and knew I would definitely never regret it.

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Till the next update!


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