Chapter 44

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"Finally, they're here. I was wondering how long it took you girls to get dressed." Dad said while we descended the stairs. He sounded like being a girl was repulsive and was grateful for his masculinity.

"I believe Theresa is the worst  amongst them. It always takes her more time to get ready and I'm actually surprised she came down this early." Jason teased his sister. Nevertheless, I hinted on the undying love he had for her. They were both two headstrong siblings who still managed to care for each other no matter the odds.

"Then you don't know my niece, Ana. She is the epitome of lateness. Making her go early to any social gathering is tantamount to killing her slowly. She just never makes it anywhere on time." Dada countered and they both laughed.

"Stop talking about us as if we aren't present." I said and they both hushed. Well, that wasn't what I expected. I expected both of them to switch their banters and teases to me. I expected being ridiculed.

Who said women are weird is mistaken. Men are definitely weirder.

"Hey, but we weren't even talking about you." Jason replied. He came up to me and gave me a good morning kiss on the forehead.

"I know. But ridiculing them is equivalent to ridiculing me. I get affected the same way." I said although I knew they both didn't mean any harm.

"I'm sorry then." He apologized.

"Nope, they deserve the apology. I wasn't the one you referred to." I didn't expect him to listen and obey me but he took me by surprise. Again!

"Theresa, Ana, I'm sorry for teasing you of being tardy all the time." He seemed so remorseful and that softened me.

"Oh my gosh! Did my brother just apologize for teasing me? That's a first." Tess was equally shocked.

"I believe my daughter has him wrapped around her pinkie." Dad laughed hysterically. This was just getting interesting, my dad and Jason seemed pretty close for him to say this out loud.

"I would do anything for her. Anything!" said Jason as he confirmed my dad's words.

Did anyone else's head spin right now? Because mine just did.

"Enough of the sentiments and jokes. Let's go or we'll be late." Mum boomed. I bet no one could stand against mum, I wondered, as we scampered like puppies.

At the car, I felt Jason take hold of my shoulders and whispered so close to my right ear;

"You look beautiful, as always. I keep having crazy thoughts just by looking at you in this dress."

The hair on my neck shot up and my breath hitched. Crazy thoughts like what? I pondered.

He helped me get into the grand SUV and was about to sit with me when some one else stepped in ahead of him.

"But Sir—" Jason was about to voice out his complaints when dad interrupted.

"Nuh-uh! You've all had the opportunity one way or another to be with her. Now it's my turn. So go sit somewhere else son."

"Son huh? When did you both become this close?" I asked my dad as the we hit the road. My father was quite strict when he wanted to but seeing him being fond of my boyfriend was completely astonishing. I remembered when he got angry the night I arrived home late as a result of my date and how he almost chopped my head off in anger and worry. Now he had grown accustomed to Jason in the house that one would think they were father and son.

It was totally overwhelming.

"He's such a good man. Just the right one for you. I've never doubted it, ever since you both were kids, I've always known he would be the one." Again, I was perplexed by how much Jason cared about me while were young. But had dad been watching us and noting his affection even as a child? I guessed he had.

"Thanks for accepting Jason. You don't know how much it means to me, enjoying how close you've both become. It gladdens my heart so much." My head immediately found its way to his shoulder.

"I'm the lucky one darling. I wouldn't be at peace if it turned out to be a thug who found his way to your heart. I trust Jason and I know he loves you a great deal. I've seen the way he looks at you and that's the way I looked at your mother in my youth. She was the most precious thing to me. She still is!" He said and his mind wandered off, probably in retrospect to the days when his love for mum began to blossom.

"She's the most precious thing? Dad, what about me?"

Okay, I admit I was a teeny weeny bit jealous. But not so jealous though, I knew his love for me was incomparable.

"Aw! Don't be jealous sweet. I love you and your mother. My world starts and ends with you."

That was the cheesiest thing dad had ever said. Ever!

Who knew my dad was a hopeless romantic? Eh, well I did know.

I wanted to say something but was interrupted by Maxwell who announced that we had arrived at the hospital. I heaved the deepest sigh ever as dad helped me out.

"Miss Cassie?" Maxwell called. I halted and turned one eighty degrees. I was close to him now. He often opened and closed the door after we alighted.

"I wish you a successful surgery Miss." He said timidly. I knew how it felt to be the center of attention. It could take away every atom of confidence you have.

"Oh come here Maxwell." I reached out to him and hugged him. I was glad he cared. Aren't I the luckiest person in the world to have caring people around me?

"And please call me Cassie, you're family." I added of which he agreed. But within me, I knew he'd keep the formalities especially when mum was around. She had this strict policy that every employee had to be formal with us.

I turned and everyone else followed. Dad held my hand this time and I knew the unspoken message he sent to me.

It was time to decide my fate. Hopefully, I would get through this!

It's time for the operation and I'm as scared as Cassie is. Let's pray and hope it turns out successful.

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