Chapter 50

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No, no, no, no, no! This couldn't be real!

"Someone turn off that TV."  Dad ordered and Ana grabbed the zapper clumsily, almost letting it slip off her fingers but recovered and clicked on a button which immediately made the TV blank.

I screamed and jumped out of the bed. The piercing pain of the needle which transmitted the drip on my left hand, refrained me from moving and in anger, I got rid of it.

Tossing it aside, I wobbled all the way to the door. My legs which hadn't done it's usual task of moving for days, were still fragile but that didn't stop me. I just couldn't stand this. The pain was getting too much!

Just as I grabbed the door knob, a hand shot up to my shoulder and halted me. But I couldn't turn back to see who it was. I was petrified I'd break down and so much had happened which required my bravery. However, I guessed it was Dad.

"Cassie you can't just leave. You don't even know the way out of this hospital." I was right. It sure was dad.

"I n-need to s-see him." My foggy mind hindered me from making a coherent sentence.

"I know you do but please relax. You just had a major surgery, you need maximum rest." He stipulated.

Why on earth would I care about myself when someone so dear to me had been confirmed dead?

Get yourself together Cassie, he hasn't been confirmed dead yet. My subconscious emphasized but I had a feeling of doubt. Such great doubt!

"Besides he hasn't been confirmed dead yet." Ana voiced my thoughts. She joined dad in touching my other shoulder.

"But he could be dead. He crashed into a river. He's dead, I know it." I screamed and my lips quivered as the tears came again.
I placed my forehead on the door, this was too much to bear.

So much seemed to happen that bereaved my happiness. I seemed to be crying a lot lately and I wondered when it would stop.

One thing I knew was if Jason was truly dead, then I might as well die. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

"He's not dead Cassie. Have a little faith please. Jason wouldn't want to see you lose hope in him." Tess volunteered to cheer me up.

Her comment made me turn back and I gaped at them. All three of them still had a little light in their eyes. They still had hope. I felt so ashamed of myself.

Jason wouldn't want this. He wouldn't want me to lose faith in him easily. We were meant to fight for one another. If three of them had this little hope, I was supposed to have more. I was his girlfriend and he, the Love of my life for crying out loud.

I covered my face in shame.

"Come back dear. Lay down and rest. We all need to stay strong." Dad suggested and I wordlessly walked with him back to bed while the girls seemed relieved.

As he placed me back, he excused himself and walked far away from us to call someone of whom we could get more information about everything. My dad had enough connections and influence, I was sure he could pull a string or two as to the real whereabouts of Jason. That realization shined a relief in me.

But I couldn't place in the drip or needle though. I had no idea what to do about it.

As I laid down, I closed my eyes for a respite but I couldn't sleep. How could I?

But what if he was truly dead? That nagging voice of doubt crept it's way into my mind and I began to wonder in the affirmative; What if Jason was truly dead?

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