Chapter 20

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"Surprise!" They shouted again when neither Jason nor I moved.

"What's this?" He directed the question at me and I swallowed a lump of saliva and took a deep breath before answering.

"It's a surprise party I organized for you, with the help of your sister and Ana. Do you like it?" I asked and crossed my fingers behind me, hoping he'd say yes.

But he didn't say anything. Instead, he squeezed my left hand which was still in his grasp and walked towards the others.

"You mate, are one lucky guy. My girl didn't plan something as elaborate as this." Charles said and I heard a yelp, and smiled, knowing fully well that Samantha, his girlfriend punched him. He seemed to be getting a lot of punches from everyone.

Everyone laughed and introduced one another. Phillip was the name of Ana's boyfriend. He seemed nice and calm. Samantha and Valerie, Charles and George's girlfriends respectively were very friendly and polite. They were both immigrants from New Zealand, living in the USA. We all got along and proceeded to commence the picnic.

There was so much food and snacks, I nearly puked. After eating, we took some pictures and then the guys left to go farther down the beach to play Frisbee and soccer while the girls stayed to clear up everything into the large hamper and chatted. Samantha and Valerie kept talking nonstop about their boyfriends and that made me realize they were in love.

It soon became very cold and the light sweater I wore didn't do justice to the severe cold. The wind blew through my hair as I stood up to walk with the girls back to the house and I had to tuck it behind my ears so as to prevent it from tickling my face, irritatingly.

The guys joined us just as we got in and someone turned on the TV and they all began to argue on what movie to watch. The guys chose action and horror while the girls chose chickflicks. Typical!

"Are you alright?" Jason asked,  seconds after I sat down on one of the sofas in the living room, he sat beside me and draped his arm around me and I felt comfortable like this was where I belonged.

"I'm alright. I'm just waiting to know what movie they would finally pick. It's not like I can see anything, to join in the argument." I stated as a matter of fact.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Thank you for this. I thought it would suck but I've actually enjoyed myself thus far. You're the best!" He said.

"Glad you like it. I was initially scared that you wouldn't like the surprise. You've been the one surprising me constantly and I decided to surprise you too." I said.

"You don't need to think you owe me anything. Finding you after all these years has been the best surprise I've ever had." He replied.

The way my heart surged at his words, I could literally feel it. I felt a rush of excitement as the sensation of happiness filled me.

"Can you remember we met here for the first time, years ago?" He asked.

"How can I ever forget that? You were a pain in the butt at first." I responded.

It felt like ages ago when we first met. I was five and he was eight. His mum came over to watch Ana and I because mum and dad had to go for an auction or something, I couldn't quite remember. And then Jason came along and asked me way too many questions, I got mad and vented my anger on him but I later realized he was only trying to be friends with me and so I sobered up immediately and apologized and we became friends. Easy peasy!

"Really? But all I wanted was to talk to you. I'm sorry if I was a pain in the butt." He answered

"It doesn't matter. At least I got to have the second best friend ever." I chipped in.

"So Ana is still your first? Ouch! I thought being your boyfriend will make me rise to the top of your list." He said and I laughed.

"Oh shut it, will you? For the past ten minutes, I've been hoping you both would keep quiet but no. Can we get some peace and quiet? We're heading to the climax of the movie." Ana, the movie freak commented and that shut us up. There were a little gunshots sounds from the movie but I didn't know the title of the movie. I guess the guys won and perhaps the girls would get to pick the next movie. I listened silently but was lost. All the voices of the actors sounded the same and it reminded me of some Indian movies I listened to as a teenager where only two voices were familiar. One voice for all the men and one for the all women especially when it was time for them to sing. I shook my head silently and laughed inwardly at my thoughts.

I was still wrapped securely in Jason's arms when someone cleared his throat. I didn't know who it was.

"Um, can I borrow Cassie for a while?" It was George. We hardly spoke because I was closer to Charles than him. He was introverted and only spoke most times when asked questions.

"What for? Are you planning on stealing her and eloping?" Trust Jason to always think the worst when it came to me talking to other guys. But I loved this side of him as much as I loved the whole of him.

"Of course not. I just need her advice on something." George responded. I could tell he was already getting agitated.

"Are you cool with this, Cassiopeia?" My mind still zoned out and didn't know the question was directed at me until I heard Jason call my name in full and then I had to remember what the conversation was about.

"Uh, yeah. I'm cool with it." I replied.

"Okay. I'll leave you two for a while but will not hesitate to return the moment you try something funny, George." Jason said and then he left.

As he left, an unfamiliar rush of cold sank into me and I realized I was already accustomed to Jason and it exhilarated and scared me at the same time.

"Geez! Dude, it's not like I'm into her or anything. Last time I checked, I had a girlfriend." George retorted.

He sat down next to me and silence hung in the air after Jason left.

Well, George, what is it you wanted to say? I thought.

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