Chapter 29

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Thursday showed up.

I only brushed my teeth and walked hastily to the kitchen to help wash the cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, lettuce and other vegetables for the salad. I also helped clean the set of plates and cutlery which were to be used by the guests. Doing these chores was a breeze because I used to do likewise at home during informal lunches and dinners between mum and her friends. During the formal occasions like mum's birthday, caterers were assigned to do everything.

When we were done, I excused myself to go freshen up. I brushed my teeth again and showered. I washed my hair in the morning yesterday and opted on not washing it today so it wouldn't get soggy.

My jeans and long sleeved shirts were all I decided to wear and my flats. My hair was air-dry and I took off the elastic band. It feel past my shoulders and little below my breasts.

"Are you done?" I didn't even know Jason had entered. I was too preoccupied with getting dressed. I hope he didn't see me naked when I got out of the bathroom, searching for my clothes. The thought of that heated up my cheeks.

"Yeah. I'm nervous though." I responded, my blush had simmered down and I was able to compose myself.

"Nervous about what? Meeting my relatives?" I nodded and bowed my head, my composure was beginning to waver.

"Is this the same reason you acted weird when you met my parents for the first time?" He asked and buried my face in my hands in shame, knowing I was caught red handed in my acts of nervousness. Jason could see through me, know my emotions and feelings without searching deeply.

He placed his fingers slightly on my chin and kissed my cheek.

"If you don't want to meet these people, I understand. We could just stay here and talk." He offered and I shook my head convincingly so he'd understand that wasn't the issue.

"I want to meet them, its just that I'm scared of how they'll treat me. You know I can't see. No one wants his or her relative to date someone like me. I'm sure they'd treat me badly. I'm not sure I'll feel welcomed."

"Of course you'll be welcomed. I guarantee they'll treat you better than you deserve. They're really nice people. Moreover you're the sweetest person ever. I don't think anyone can get past your charm. You're beautiful, smart kind and amazing. I'm proud to be your boyfriend and even if they dislike you, to hell with them. I only care about you." He said.


The words that rolled off his tongue almost compelled me to tell him I was in love with him but I decided not to tell him untill I returned to the States so he wouldn't think he forced me to say it.

"Thank you." I said instead, sniffing back the tears that threatened to come out any moment.

"Come on. Let's go have lunch. By the way, we're matching. How did you know I was gonna wear a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans?" He asked as he led me out of the room. People had began to arrive. I could hear loud barks of laughter and, people engaging in conversations.

"Girlfriend instincts." I replied and stuck out my tongue. It was what he always said whenever I asked him certain questions. He seemed to understand and chuckled.

"Just be yourself. They'll love you." He held my hand and guided me to them.

Fortunately, what I had been terrified of, turned amazing. Everyone was fascinated by me. They congratulated Jason on the success of his graduation and being the valedictorian before transferring their total attention to me. The teenagers and children were astonished about me being blind and still able to go to school. Sure, they weren't aware that even blind people could go as far as getting their doctorates but I just smiled and appreciated their intense interests. I became the cynosure of all eyes.

For lunch and dinner, we had several gourmet dishes. Herbed Yorkshire Pudding, Pork Pies served with mustard, Earl Grey Tea Spritzer,
Yorkshire Gingerbread, sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, black pudding sandwiches and salad, some vintage wine, fruit juice, brownies, a chocolate cake, muffins, and lots of tea.

Being the foodie I was, I made sure I had a taste of everything. Gemma assisted me, commenting that I needed more flesh. The chocolate cake was heavenly, so were the gingerbread and pork pies. While I ate, I interacted with everyone. Tess, who sat beside me, left at some point to answer a phone call.

Taylor whistled and turned on the music. A loud country music resonated around the house. It was so loud I felt I was in a concert.

"Can we dance with you?" Alvin, Jake and Blake, the adorable triplets who had been all over me from the moment we met, screamed, their adolescent voices barely above the music, pleading with me for a dance. How could I refuse them? I nodded and two held my left and right hand, while the last tugged on my shirt.  Who knew children were this energetic? I thought to myself just as we held hands to what I believed was a circle and rotated.  They seemed to enjoy themselves immensely and I was delighted to be with them. But spinning around wasn't clearly my talent and my eyes were starting to bulge.

"Alright kids, it's time for the young lady to dance with your father." Foster, their dad rescued me from the trio and I sighed gratefully. The song had changed to a mildly slow song and he placed both his hands on my waist. It felt a little weird considering I was already too familiar with my boyfriend's hands on me only. Nevertheless, I placed my hands on his shoulder, hooking them around his neck.

"I figured the kids were stressing you out." He said later on, when I  became relieved and caught my breath.

"Thank you for your help. Your children are very adorable." I answered.

"They worship the ground you walk on. I haven't seen them so united before. They had stars in their eyes while you danced with them." He replied and I was spellbound. Never would I have thought I would be liked by not one, not two, but three amazing kids. It was awe-inspiring and I revelled in the feeling. I definitely wasn't one to tickle someone's fancy but this moment was different.

"I'm beyond thrilled that I float their boat sir but unfortunately, I would be leaving on Sunday. I would've loved to see them again." I said genuinely. I would love to see them again if I had the chance.

"I feel disappointed. I wouldn't be able to blackmail them into doing some chores by the mention of your name." He feigned regret and I cachinnated.

"You could always bribe them with the prospect of visiting me in America. I'm sure they'd do their very best." I implied explicitly.

"Brilliant! That would make them work ten times harder. Thank you for saving me." It was his turn for gratuity and we both laughed.

I danced with a few other people.  Taylor twirled me till I couldn't breathe, I felt a synergy of emotions I couldn't puzzle out. Surrounded by people who looked up to me, who treated me equally, who didn't find fault in my flaws. It was such a blessing!

Suddenly, in the midst of the merriment, the atmosphere became congested and suffocating. I couldn't inhale and exhale air. The music which I had been comfortable with, became unbearably loud with an intensity unfathomable.

The headache had come again!

Whoops!  Now the real action begins. I suggest you get more Popcorn and Pepsi or whatever you eat while reading, fasten your reading belts, drink some water and anticipate because we're getting to more interesting scenes that would keep you hooked.

Please go check out my book "BREATHE" as soon as you're done with this. I guarantee if you've enjoyed this, you'll love BREATHE also.

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