Chapter 45

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At the hospital, I was asked to change into the hospital gown which was the custom I guess because I woke up wearing likewise the last time I was here. Ana and Tess helped me with the gown while I stood in nothing but my birthday suit. The thought of both girls seeing my nakedness was never really a burden but as they currently dressed me, I pondered if I would be free around them when I began to see.

I guess a whole lot of things would change given the situation.

With a final hug from everyone and several voices chanting “I love you” and a kiss from a special someone, I was taken to the surgical unit where the procedures began. I was introduced to the three remaining doctors who would be assisting Doctor O'Brien, he boasted about their surgical abilities and how renowned they were. They all seemed warm and cheerful and acted like we had known one another for a long time. I felt elated in the fact that I was in safe hands.

"I promised myself to always work hard in ensuring my patients survive every surgery and yours is no exception. But I want you to believe in yourself. Believe that you can pull through this. We will do our best possible not to lose you." Doctor O'Brien encouraged and that lifted my spirit the more.

"Thank you very much doctor." I replied because I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Now Cassie, take a deep breath, we're about to infuse anesthesia and within seconds, you'll be off to dreamland for a short while." Doctor Violet Johann, whispered in her heavily Germanic accent.

"Wait!" I half-shouted

"Is there a problem, Miss?" One of the male doctors whose name I couldn't quite remember, asked in a slight panic.

"I'm sorry, there isn't. But I just forgot to pray. Can you give me a minute, please?" It was very silly of me to have forgotten something so vital.

Closing my eyes like I've been taught to do during prayer, I thanked God for this divine opportunity.

"Dear God, please don't leave me. Please make this successful so I can finally see and enjoy life better. Thank you Lord for always being there even when I fail to acknowledge you in Jesus name. Amen!"

If I could recall right, even though it was one of my briefest prayers however, I felt His unseen presence around me.

"You may proceed." I said, while I took a deep breath as instructed earlier. The anesthetic was placed above the bridge of my nose down to my chin and within seconds, I felt myself drifting.

Drifting off like a diver going into the depths of the ocean.


I woke up as fast as I drifted and I wondered if it was all a dream. The glaring reminder of reality was laced in the bandages over my eyes and around my head, then the sound of my family. I immediately pulled myself to a sitting position, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Goodness! She's awake!" Everyone rushed over as soon as mum said those words. From the crown of my head, down to my feet was crowded with my family, all amazed and talking about me like I wasn't present. I picked up tidbits of their conversation and realised the operation took well over eight hours. But it seemed like eight minutes. Unbelievable!

Mum cradled my face and kissed my left cheek before inspecting my body parts and asking too many questions.

"Mum I'm fine. I feel normal, you don't have to worry about me." I tried to break away from her grasp but she wouldn't budge.

"You're my child and I will worry about you forever. It's my duty." That sounded a bit cheesy as well as it sounded authoritative. I just wasn't ready to question her so I let her touch and scrutinize me to her heart's content.

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