Chapter 10

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We stayed at the beach for a long time, asking questions and finding out the information we missed about each other all through the years. He was currently studying business administration and aimed to own a worldwide business corporation some day. I told him I was studying literature because I was in love with books and hoped to own a large bookstore someday, where I could have access to any book I wanted.

I lost track of time but suddenly remembered my curfew.

"Crap! What time is it?" I asked.

"12:30am." He answered.

"I really have to be home by one that's my curfew tonight."

"Let me drive you home now, yeah?" He offered and I was grateful because I actually didn't know Tess and Ana's whereabouts right now. I was practically sure they were very busy having fun.

"Yes, please." I replied.

We got up and he led me back to his car, knelt again to help me put on my sneakers and then drove me home. He asked me if I wanted the music back on and I rejected the offer. A mixture of feelings surged through me and I wanted to reflect on them, music would definitely be a distraction.

I couldn't remember snoozing until he woke me up, asking for the direction of my house. I couldn't blame him though, he'd been to my house a lot but that was when he was little. I told him my address, he typed it on his car's GPS and then I went back to sleep, feeling content.

However, he woke me up again, much too soon, saying we had arrived. I had no choice but to continue this wonderful sleep at home.

"Please help me get my cane..." He handed it to me, " Thanks." I mumbled.

"Let me walk you up. Please?"
His gentlemanliness was something I needed to get used to if I still wanted to be with him. His little gestures warmed my heart.

"I had so much fun not because of the party but because of you. Thank you for everything." I whispered when we got to the door.

"Oh Cassiopeia, I feel like kissing you right now but I have to refrain myself. I want to do this the right way." My cheeks flamed, my ears tingled and my heart swooned at his statement but I got curious over the end.

"Do what the right way?" I asked.

"I want to take you out on a date, on Monday, after your lectures. Where's your phone?" I brought out my phone from my clutch and handed it to him. He seemed to take a moment dialing probably his number in mine and vice versa before handing it back to me.

"Sleep tight princess." He gave my forehead a kiss and hugged me. We both never wanted to let go of each other. But we had to.

"Goodnight Jason." I replied after the long hug. I opened the door and got in before shutting it. Like I predicted, Ana hadn't returned yet. I called her name when I got into her room but there was no response and the bed was tidy and empty.

Resigned, I retired to my room, took off my shoes and dress and had my bath, making sure to wash off all my make up and call it a night. I wore my pyjamas and went to bed.

Thinking about the events of the day, I couldn't help but feel grateful to God for everything. He helped me so much on my first party in the University ever and helped me find Jason.

Moreover, I felt like Cinderella but a different one, perhaps the modern Cinderella who got to wear sneakers instead of glass slippers, a fairy godmother who was represented by mum, the curfew at 1:00am instead of 12midnight, going to a school party instead of a royal ball, meeting the Prince, having my first dance at the beach which also represented the Prince's royal quarters and most importantly a promise to meet Prince Charming again.

I think I achieved more than Cinderella did in one night and God made these things happen.

"Thank you Lord!" I prayed.

I felt sleep creeping in and with a loud yawn, I drifted off to dreamland.


"Wake up young lady, where were you last night?" mum shook me roughly.

Oh not again. Not this morning please.

But it happened again. And again. And again. She kept shaking me until I gave up sleep and opened my eyes.

"Good morning mum." Was it morning yet though? Because I believe I just closed my eyes not less than thirty minutes ago, after returning from the party. But mum never came to my room at night, which meant it was daytime.

Ugh! Shoot me.

"I sent Maxwell to pick you up last night but he couldn't find you. I was worried but your dad assured me that you were fine and probably slept at a friend's place. So tell me Cassiopeia. Where were you?"

I don't think she would be happy with the truth but I decided to tell her anyway.

"I met a friend like you wanted me to and we talked for a while, then he brought me home. No biggie." I attempted to sound nonchalant and took out Jason's name from my explanation. I just hope she doesn't see the blush threatening to spread across my face.

"Hope you had fun?" She asked and I was glad she didn't see it. I should probably add great actress to my résumé.

"Yes, it was an okay party. But now I'm so tired and need to rest please mum." I begged still feeling sleepy.

"That's babytalk you just spoke right? Haul your butt out of bed. We are going to church."

It never crossed my mind last night that the next day would be Sunday and I would be going to church.

But now, I had to. My parents would never let me stay at home on a Sunday morning.

Feeling more tired than ever, I managed to get out of bed, the events of the night still fresh in my thoughts.

This story is a very controversial one and I bet many people will be like, how is she able to explain all these things when she is just blind? Well, the answer to this is for you to interact with blind people, watch movies on blind people or better yet, pretend to be blind for a while, you'll notice that your remaining four sense organs (skin, nose, tongue and ears) will act faster and more intense.

A) But if you come across any thing that makes you very uncomfortable, please you're advised to stop reading WLD.

B)However, if you still enjoy reading the story, please just forget about everything and go with the flow.

A big thank you to everyone whose choice will be option B.

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