Chapter 43

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"Cassie wake up. You're gonna be late." The extremely nagging voice swarmed my ears like the awful buzz of bees.

Where have I heard this same shrilly sound before?

Oh Yes! 


She made this same annoying sound almost every morning when she woke me up for school. But I was grateful to her though, I would have been lost in the world of tardiness without her. She made sure I was never too late for lectures. Note the emphasized word ‘too’. Lateness still had a huge spot in her veins, especially time for parties and other social gatherings.

But in all, what would I ever do without her?

She always made sure my clothes were washed, dried and ironed (those that were meant to be). Every evening, she always prepared the clothes I'd wear the next day to school. She did my make up and heightened my beauty.

But most importantly, she was the best friend I could ever have. She was beyond my cousin. She took care of me in school like a young mum would. When I was homeschooled, she always came home with one gist or the other about how her day went, her crush for the month, what happened at the parties she attended and so on. At home, she understood me the most; She knew just what to do to cheer me up, she gave me so much advice about life. Especially when I felt insecure about my flaws, she made me see the beauty in my situation. She made me realise that I don't need to be perfect to feel loved and cherished. I just had to love myself, flaws and all and the world would love me too. And that if the world decided not to, well SCREW it!

She was my bestie, my companion, my partner in crime.

In fact, she was my sister. My favorite family member and I was one of the luckiest persons to have her.

"Alright, I'm up. You don't  have to burst my ear drums." I said as I got up to a sitting position while I yawned and stretched. After that, I left my overly comfortable bed for the bathroom where I had a cold shower to drive away sleep and revive my consciousness.

I left the shower after washing my hair and brushing my teeth. My towel clung to my body as I made my way out of the bathroom and into my room. I moved over to the closet, and was about to step in when Ana interrupted.

"I prepared your clothes already." She said.

I was overwhelmed with emotion.

"Th—Thank you!" I replied as she handed over it to me. It was a sundress. I loved sundresses and hurriedly wore it. Its loose-fitting material swayed ever gently as a little breeze from the window flew in. She also handed me a pair of fluffy flip-flops which we bought at an expensive mall in the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi to be precise. She offered to braid my hair after blow drying it and I concurred.

I sat down patiently while she braided my hair, dividing it into two cornrows. When she was done, I felt it with my fingers and loved the hairstyle. I felt proud of my half African-Jamaican roots.

Ana was indeed the best!

"Can I make you up? Just a touch of cherry red lipstick to match the dress, a little foundation and a blush on both cheeks.. Purleeeze?"  She stretched ‘Please’ and made it sound like the purr of a cat, and that just made me laugh outrightly.

"I don't think makeup is allowed Ana. I'm going for an operation and it could turn out to be a bit difficult for the surgeons. Imagine them focusing on how to wipe off my face before proceeding, that would take so much time. I don't know about you, but I plan on leaving that hospital as fast as I can." I said and we both laughed, just like old times.

"Oh Cassie, I'm so scared. You're more than a cousin and best friend to me. You're my sister and the thought of losing you frightens me." She sniffled while she spoke. I wondered how she managed to switch from the bubbly Ana to the scared and depressed Ana. I guess we all had it in us. Mum showed her bipolar signs and I have been switching emotions for the past two days.

"Shh! Don't cry Ana. You aren't gonna lose me, okay? You have to be strong for me. Be my source of bravery and encouragement. I love you even more than you think and I believe I'm stuck here with you. Besides who's gonna be your maid of honour?" I asked, hoping she'd reply.

"You." She answered.

"Who's gonna help you through your wedding and see to it that you don't get drunk out of your mind?" I asked again.

"Well, apart from my husband, You." she had already began to cheer up.

"Who's gonna be the godmother of your kids and give them weird names?" I asked again and she laughed.

"You! But don't you dare name them after cheese or anything greasy and slimy." She warned and we both laughed out loud.

"I promise I won't. So you see, you're stuck with me and I'm stuck with you forever." I pointed out, after I stopped laughing.

"Pinkie promise?" she asked. Oh dear! When will you outgrow pinkie promises Ana? I thought.

"Pinkie promise." I stated just as our pinkies touched.

Someone knocked and the door opened simultaneously.

"What's all the noise about? Hope you both aren't planning on flying to New Zealand, leaving me here with my brother and your parents, Cassie?" It was Tess. Ana and I giggled at her joke.

"Nope, why would we ever leave you? Without you we aren't complete as the Three Musketeers." Ana added and I agreed.

"Come here, let's group hug." I said and within seconds they all fell on me as we hugged one another for what seemed like forever.

"I love you girls. Both of you have made my life so much fun." I declared, after I got my strength back of course.

"Aww! We love you too." They both said in unison.

"You know what? Let's go there." I said after about five seconds of pondering.

"Go where?" They both asked again, completely puzzled.

"After the surgery and I'm able to see, let's all go to New Zealand." I

"That would be uber neat!" Ana said and I nodded.

"Yes, let's go! It would be our very own Girls Trip!" Tess added.

And we all screamed!

Oh No! Don't leave me behind girls, I have to go to New Zealand with you! Who's with me? Vámonos!!!

*Laughs and rolls off the bed*

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