Chapter 30

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"Cassie, are you alright?" Gemma came over to me but I couldn't comprehend what she said. My head pounded repeatedly like it would burst at any moment, with a damn sight of blood gushing out of it. I wasn't keen on gory details but my mind traveled over numerous dimensions.

I willingly allowed her direct me out of the room and up the stairs. I hadn't been up since I came and so I walked cautiously and patiently while she led me to the bed. I laid down on the pillow and instantly felt an improvement. She didn't shut the door.

"Is something wrong? Should I call your parents?"  The excruciating pain had begun to subside and I was able to hear her crystal clear.

"No please, don't. I'm fine now." Sounding determined, I coaxed her into not telling my parents.

"Are you sure? You look pale." She insisted.

"I'm alright. It's nothing a little rest can't take care of." I persuaded.

"Alright, rest honey." she said and gently removed some hair off my face.

"Hope you liked the meals I prepared? I had a little help from Tess and Taylor but majority of the cooking was done by me." she bragged and I smiled, still in pain.

"I did. It was lovely. Everything was perfect!" I said.

"Thank you! I also noticed Alvin and his brothers were all over you this evening." She spoke after a while.

"Yeah, they are happy children. I had fun dancing with them. It made me remember my childhood." I remembered when Ana and I were so rambunctious as kids. We almost brought down the mansion boisterously.

"It's quite a surprise. Ever since they lost their mother, they kept to themselves but when they moved down here, they loosened up a tad. Seeing them happy tonight was so amazing."

"They lost their mum? But how?" I asked. The only statement I heard was losing their mum and I was bewildered.

"Oh yes, they did..." She talked about them losing their mum at at the age of seven, which was four years ago. She died of blood cancer—Leukemia, or whatever the awful terminal illness was called—I was so dejected from the sad news. I hoped God comforted them and helped them bear the loss.

I closed my eyes, the tension easing off. I heaved the deepest sigh ever.

"Tonight, I was able to understand why Jason loves you." Gemma said after several minutes of silence.

I opened my eyes in concentration as though that would make me see her.

"I've never understood why he loves you but now I can see why. You have this aura that makes you loved by all. Everyone downstairs kept asking me how I managed to have someone graceful and cheerful as you. They all looked at you and smiled each time." She continued.

"I'm actually flattered that they like me. I was a bit nervous about meeting them and being disliked or discriminated for my disability and skin colour," I expounded on being black and blind, then continued, "But Jason said I should just be myself and I took his advice." I explained.

"Has Jason ever told you what his childhood was like when we moved to England?" She inquired.

"Yes, we talked about it the moment we met. He wasn't pleased to leave the USA." I answered.

"Did he mention he wouldn't eat or sleep because he left you back in the States?" She asked but I remained silent. She took that cue to continue "Arthur and I were so worried. He wanted to come back to America to be with you. We were both very happy when he began to eat, sleep and behave like a normal child again. I thought he forgot about you in the years that flowed by. But one day, after his nineteenth birthday, he suddenly showed up to my room and told me he was relocating to New York. Taylor and I questioned his actions and were able to draw up the fact that it was you he wanted to meet again. I mean, there are so many excellent universities in England, why would he decide to leave for America, New York especially? He spent about a year searching for you before agreeing to study in NYU. He was extremely determined to find you and I'm glad he did. How did you both meet again?"

Recounting the event that ensued, our reunion and dating, I apprehended all Jason passed through to finally be with me. I couldn't imagine the pain he went through as a child; the promise and disappointments, the fear of losing what you valued above all. He was very brave and I fell in love with him the more.

"I love him, Gemma." I finally revealed what would soon have choked me if I remained silent. It felt refreshing to be in love and be proud of it. I knew Gemma was spellbound for a while. She didn't say a word but hugged me so suddenly, my heart skipped.

"I'm so happy for you both. I know how it feels to be in love. When Arthur died, my world became dark and crumbled. Jason was the reason I was able to survive Arthur's demise. But when Taylor showed up, he brought light to my life and helped me rebuild my emotions. It was life-changing." She cheerful explained.

"I'm happy to hear that. From what I noticed since I stepped in here, you both seem like the most in-love couple ever." I remembered their banter in the kitchen the evening of the day I arrived and the next day I walked in on them. Such a lovely couple!

"Thank you sweetie. Now that you're both in love with each other, I suggest you both keep reminding each other of your love. I know Jason loves saying ‘I love you.’ I'm so proud of you two." she proceeded to speak and I shook my head vigorously before speaking.

"He has never said anything about being in love with me. I haven't told him yet either. I guess he hasn't fallen in love with me yet." I replied sadly.

"Of course he's in love with you. I know my son more than anything and trust me when I say this; Jason is a hundred percent in love with you. His feelings are palpable, trust a mother when she speaks about her child."

"But why hasn't he mentioned being in love with me yet?" I asked perplexedly.

"Perhaps the same reason you haven't told him you love him as well. If you both don't doubt your true feelings for each other, then I suggest you speak up. Our words express our dire desires. Maybe Jason needs a little push from you in order for him to say the L word. I suggest you give him time. But I'm surprised that Jason who can't take his eyes and hands off you all the time, hasn't proclaimed his feelings yet."

I muffled a laugh. Jason was always around me. I was amazed he hadn't turned the house upside down in search of me at the moment. Maybe he hadn't realized I was absent downstairs.

"Why don't you rest Cassie? You look pale." she suggested again and I nodded. Tired beyond words, I slept before I could remember my next train of thoughts.

I was awoken by a slight ruffling of the sheets. My hands were caged in his firm grasp. I didn't need to think twice who it was.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" I asked, I swooned at the thought but sobered up when I realized the stress he must have passed through, worrying about me. I became solemn instantly.

"Don't be sombre. I love watching you sleep. Besides, mum told me you looked pale and and overly fatigued." He said with a glaring depth of concern.

"I'm fine now. I bet she exaggerated just a little." I imagined how Gemma must have hyperbolically narrated my short-lived headache.

"I should have been there to help you. Now I can't forgive myself for not putting you first. I'm sorry!" His contrite apology was overpowering enough to make me forgive him instantly.

"It wasn't your fault. You had to spend time with your family and friends. I wanted you to have fun." I remarked. No one was to blame for the incident but myself. The pertinent decision would have been to see my ophthalmologist when the headache began. I made a mental note to visit the hospital when I return home.

"Poppycock! You are my top priority. You want to know what having fun is to me?" I nodded,
"Having fun is watching over you, making you smile, watching you laugh hard as the breeze blows and tousles your hair. Having fun is knowing when I look beside me anytime of the day, you're right there with me, listening keenly to everything I say. I had the most fun when we slept together downstairs, my hands wrapped around you, while I watched you sleep and then falling asleep later on. That was more than fun to me. It was beyond everything I've ever experienced."

Overwhelmed by his confession, I sat upright and pulled him to me, making sure to put all my emotions into the kiss... Kisses! Never will I ever be tired of kissing this down to earth, amiable, loving, different and amazing man.

Never will I ever be weary of loving my Prince Charming!

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