Chapter 42

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He led me out of the house and together, we walked down to the beach. It had gotten rather chilly and I appreciated the fact that I had my sweater to keep me warm. I hobbled into the water, Jason behind me and the sound of the waves tumbling before breaking at the shore helped bury my knees and I felt relaxed. I inhaled the air and although it odored fishy, it revived my senses. The ocean sure was magical!

Mesmerised by the ambience, I was oblivious to being pushed in to the ocean. Reality hit me through the impact of the briny water against my tongue. I didn't feel that coming and was more than overwhelmed. I was saturated from head to toe and spat out the salty water.

When I recovered, I swam my way back to the shore—Yes, I was taught how to swim a few months before prom. But I wasn't a pro-— coughing a little.

My so called "boyfriend" was busy in a laughing fit. His voice although infuriated me, captured my heart and did funny things to my stomach.

Oh dear! I was so whipped.

"How dare you do that to me?" I asked as soon as I regained myself. I could feel his presence and knew he was close by. I halted.

"You should have seen the look on your face when I thrutched you. I wish I had my camera with me." He replied in between rounds of laughter.

I didn't know what overcame me, perhaps the desperation for revenge, I pounced on him and that caught him off guard which landed us both on the damp shore.

"Take that, you... You crazy boyfriend." I shoved my wet body on him so he'd realize how soaked I was. Nature seemed to be by my side as sand coupled with my wet clothes penetrated his mouth. And with the way he spat continuously, I knew my plan was a success. I smiled to myself.

"Crazy boyfriend? Is that all you got?" He poked fun at me.

"Well, that was all I could think of." I shrugged, mentally slapping myself for not having more words to come up with.

"Well, think of this." He said, instantly, he pressed his lips against mine.

He took me to another stage of oblivion. He made me completely forget about everything else but his lips. The kiss melted my thoughts and heightened my senses. I quivered tremulously, not as a result of the chilly atmosphere, but the drowning pleasure.

Maybe this was it!

Maybe this was the moment I could lose control and let this new but familiar feeling take the wheel. I could finally love and be loved. I could finally give and take.

The night began a dance of its own and the ocean danced slowly, the waves, rolling over and over, until it slowly engulfed my feet which had begun to tingle in a mild sensation. We switched positions and he was hovering above me.

This was just the perfect timing.

"Nonsense. I want you to have fun. Get drunk, dance if you can and mix with the crowd. But one thing is clear... Never have sex with any man dear. Save yourself for the right man. Abstain until marriage."

Mum's voice, like lightning, flashed by and her words stung. But this was the right man and what was the guarantee that I would live to get married?

"I was wrong. The percentage of it being successful is thirty percent."

Doctor O'Brien's voice countered mum's and made me realise that my time was short and I was missing out on the good things of life. And most importantly, I loved and trusted Jason enough to know that he would be gentle with me. I knew I could give my virginity to him and he would take maximum care of me.

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