Chapter 3

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Just a quick question before we proceed:
If you were to choose to live in a country that's different from your country of origin or your country of residence, what country would you pick and why?
State your country of origin or residence before answering.

I'm a Nigerian and I live in Nigeria but I guess my answer would be New Zealand. I just love the country because of where it's located and the sound of going there brings peace to me.

What's yours? Comment please! 🙏🙏

         When we got home, I was so tired that I went up the stairs and into my room to sleep. I slept till dinner time when mum came to drag me out of bed. Dinner was corn bread, mashed potatoes and gravy and for dessert we had mums favorite strawberry cheesecake.

"Cassie tell us, how was your first day at school?" Dad asked after dinner.

"It was good. The lectures were interesting but tiring and we ate breakfast and lunch at this wonderful restaurant close to school. What was the name again Ana?" I asked Ana who sat beside me.

"Sweet Love restaurant." She said while trying to control herself from burping but failed hopelessly. The sound of her belch was so loud that it startled me.

"Ana, where are your table manners? You are an adult for Pete's sake." Mum blew her top. She was almost fuming. You see mum had always had a fetish for etiquette. She never joked with table manners most especially.

"I'm sorry Aunt Stephanie. I was trying to hold it in but it had a different plan of its own." begged Ana.

"Well next time, control it or make it sound less audible. I don't want anyone accusing me of breeding a dog." Mum's insult hung in the air.

"Stephanie, that was too demeaning and harsh. How can you call her a dog? I think you should apologize to Ana right now." Dad tried to correct her.

"I won't. She needs to learn her lesson. I can't stand and watch her or Cassie act like we didn't train them up to standards." She retorted.

"Uncle Matt, it's okay. I'm not mad. I know I'm nothing like a dog so her insults don't hurt." Ana was brave enough to say.

I thought of how to change the subject so as to move everyone's mind from the current situation.

"Dad, mum, why did you tell the University to put me in a special place in class? I don't need that kind of treatment. I'm blind not lost or helpless. I need to mingle with the rest of my course mates," I paused to breathe, "Moreover there were clicks of cameras of the paparazzi when I got to school. I thought we agreed not to publicise me?"

"It was all your mum's idea. She wants everyone to know who you are. I don't understand why myself. Babe please explain to us all about your motives behind these."

Mom seemed to take a while before answering. I guess she wanted to think about it first.

"How can my daughter be in a university and not get known? She is the granddaughter of an Ex-senator and my family is one of the richest in the whole of Scotland. People need to know that. And as for the special seat in class, Cassie needs it. She can't see so she needs extra help."

I should have known that the reason she wanted the cameras everywhere was just for fame. No wonder each time we went to church, she still paid people to take pictures of us and placed them in different magazines across the world.

Well, I wasn't up for that kind of public lifestyle.

"Mum I know you love me but I need my private life. I don't want to go out and constantly meet with the paparazzi neither do I want to sit in a secluded or special spot at school. I'm an adult and I need to discover myself on my own. Let's make a deal. The paparazzi only takes my pictures when I'm with either you or dad. Deal?"

She took so long to reply again and I was starting to get worried.

"Fine! You have my word." she replied and I smiled, knowing for the first time in many years, I had actually won an argument over my mum.

"Ana and I also met a friend today. Her name is Tess and she's from England. Isn't that sweet?" I nudged Ana who had been unusually quiet the whole time to continue.

"Yes, she agreed to have a sleepover with us next weekend." Ana continued.

"Who are her parents? Are they famous or wealthy? I do not want you hanging out with low lives. " Mum asked all of a sudden.

"My God! Stephanie does she have to be rich and famous before she becomes friends with them? Why are you so cruel? Money or social status is not everything! Girls go to to bed. You need to rest." Dad dismissed us.

This was one of the reasons I loved my dad. He was always there to shun mum whenever she did something crazy. Imagine her telling me not hang out with Tess if she was poor.


Chorusing a "goodnight", Ana and I stood up and left together. My cane was in my room. Whenever I'm at home, I never made use of it because I was familiar with my house.

"Sorry about everything Ana, especially what mum said to you."  I hugged Ana when we got to the door of my room.

"It is nothing I can't handle. I'm used to your mum's crude remarks. But I can't wait for both of us to get married and leave her alone."

We both laughed.

"Me too. I just can't wait for that day." I responded.

"Till then, have a good night." she kissed my forehead and left. I waited till I heard the sound of her door close before getting into my room.

I took a shower and wore my night dress. Still tired, I fell on the bed, not bothering to tidy it up and dozed off to dreamland.

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