Chapter 18

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HAPPY NEW  YEAR EVERYONE! I pray this new year, 2018, brings us more happiness, love and fulfilment. Have a beautiful year fam!

This chapter is dedicated to ivosin for your reads, votes and comments on BREATHE. Thank you very much.

"Wow! That was beautiful. I almost shed a tear watching you play. You are such a pro!" Charles yanked me to his body surprisingly and gave me a bone crushing hug. I could hardly breathe. I was able to muffle a "Thank you" to him though.

"Gosh, Cassiopeia you were so energetic. It seemed like you were born to play." George said, he hugged me as well.

"It's Cassie to you both. I'm the only one permitted to call her Cassiopeia."  Jason who had been quite reserved, spoke and I noted a hint of jealousy in his words. Of course I was glad. I didn't want other men calling me by my full name. I just wanted him alone.

"Alright jealous freak. We get the memo." Said Charles.

George and I chuckled but soon, the conversation led to different directions. They talked about girls, food, and England. At the end of it all, I got to understand that the three of them had been friends in England before they came to America. They studied the same course and would all be graduating this year. George and Charles both had girlfriends they were planning to marry. George said he was going to propose on their graduation party but Charles said next year.

      I got involved in the conversation as much as I could and really enjoyed talking to them. They had a good sense of humour and I laughed most of the time. We ordered pizza and milkshakes and I made sure they ordered extra cheese on mine. They played some more music and although I didn't know the songs, I felt drawn to all of them.

Sadly, it was time for me to leave because it was already late.

"Why don't you come and play some other time for us again? We love having you around." Charles said as he held my hand in his.

"Of course I will. I enjoyed every moment with you guys." I smiled.

"Cool, Can you give me your number? ...Ouch! ... What was that for?" Charles yelled in pain and I knew it was Jason who hit him.

"That was for hitting on my girl. You don't get to do that, especially in my presence." Jason replied.

"Oh! Which means I can hit on her when you're not around, yeah?... Ow! Why'd you hit me again?" He sounded hurt and the only thing I could do was grin.

"Keep saying shit out of that mouth of yours and I'll keep hurting you. But better be careful because this time, I'm aiming for that wretched thing you got down there."

Knowing Jason, that was not an empty threat. Thank God Charles understood, and shut up immediately.

I took out my phone which I placed earlier in my pocket and handed it to him.

"Here's my phone. Enter your number into it and beep yours so you can get mine into your phone." I said and he did just that, I guess. He handed me my phone and Jason led me back to the car.

"You know, you didn't have to give him your number. I can just bring you here any time you like." Jason said as soon as we began to drive.

"It not a big deal and besides I like them. They are your friends and I'd like them to be mine too."

He only mumbled incoherently and I knew a part of him was still jealous and thinks that I would end up being with Charles.

"You know I would never date Charles or George or any other man for that matter, don't you?" I asked after several moments of silence. I knew I had to bring it up. In every relationship, there are ups and downs. No relationship is entirely rosy. But the most important thing is reassuring each other all the time that no matter what happens, you can count on each other for support. He sighed and took hold of my hand.

"I know. I just can't help feeling jealous. I told you my greatest fear is losing you. I've searched for you my whole life and now," He sighed again, "I don't want to ever lose you. Besides, you should see the way they were staring at you the whole time. If they were single, I'm sure they'd chase after you." He ended.

Really, did they look at me that much? I've never felt attractive or too beautiful that guys would want to be with me. It wasn't really low self-esteem but it was just a feeling. I was always never alone and so didn't get the opportunity to be wooed by boys the way Ana told me about herself most nights in highschool. But I never complained.

Judging by their voices and the way they spoke, I definitely knew George and Charles were two intellectual men who were quite irresistible to females. I believe girls get attracted to them wherever they went. Fortunately for me, I wasn't attracted to either of them at all. They were good company but I had no thought of being in a relationship with them. It was just a plain platonic friendship.

"It also took me years to find someone as good, caring and loving as you and I absolutely do not plan on losing you as well. Come on, cheer up. You're my boyfriend and I intend to enjoy this relationship to the fullest." I replied, and hoped he understood that I obviously liked him more than anything or any other guy.

"Now who's the cheesy one?" he asked and I remembered calling him cheesy and overly sentimental the last time he called, precisely the evening mum got mad that we were dating.

I let out a bubbly laugh to which he joined me.

"Whatever. We're both cheesy so deal with it." I stuck out my tongue to his direction. I had no strength to argue about that.

We stopped talking after that, with hands still clasped, we basked in the ambience of being together. I felt happy, I knew he was happy and I was content.

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