Chapter 15

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"Where have you been? Ana said you went out but she didn't give me the details." Dad spoke again, this time, his voice was soft, a worried tone to it.

"Dad, where's mum? I need to speak with both of you." I moved over to the living room, dad behind me, and sat on the largest sofa, feeling tired.

"She's in. Some of her friends came over and they had dinner together. Let me call her." He left and went up the stairs to call mum and I waited, slightly nervous. I waited for about ten minutes and then I heard their footsteps coming closer.

"Sweetie, how was your day?" Mum came over to hug me an I hugged her back.

"It was wonderful. Please mum, sit. I have something to tell you both." They both sat, one on my right and the other on my left. I took a deep breath, then proceeded.

"I know it's probably too soon to tell you but as my parents, I think you should know. Mum,  dad, I met someone."

Mum was the first to reply.

"That's wonderful dear, tell us about him." She said.

"You both know him. It's Jason. Jason who used to play with Ana and I when were kids. Gemma's son." I explained.

"Really? Cassie I'm happy for you. I remember Jason vividly. He was such a good and smart kid."  This time, dad replied. It was like they took turns to speak. Dad hugged me but mum still remained silent.

"Mum you haven't said anything. Are you cool with this?" I asked her after waiting for her to speak for the past two minutes.

"But Cassie, he is what I define as a low life. He can't take care of you. You need to find someone else." I was stunned by what she said. Of all times, she had to ruin the moment.

"Stephanie, how can you say that?  You know how much Jason has impacted Cassie. Our daughter decided to learn, read and go to school, all because of him. You can't say that!" Dad tried to correct her.

"I know he helped her, but that was when she was a child, Matt. You can't believe he would be able to take care of her on the long run. He is not stable financially. Cassie needs all the love and care in the world." Mum clapped back.

"Money, money, money! That's all you care about. You said the answer yourself; she needs love and care. If the man truly loves her, then he would be willing to take care of her. Stephanie, listen to me!" Dad was angry already. His voice was higher than usual.

"No, over my dead body will Cassie date him! I forbid the relationship! Cassie you can't see him anymore!" Mum responded.

All the while, they both conversed like I was not there listening to every word.

"Mum, it's already too late. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. I'm happy mum. You should be happy for me." I tried to speak firmly.

"Can't you see what he's doing? You guys just met and he's already asking you out? He wants your money. He wants to lure you into his web and then abandon you after duping you. Right now, I believe you're not only blind in the eyes, but in the heart and brain as well." Her insult made me gasp in shock. Uncontrollable tears sprang free and I sobbed.

"That's enough. How can you insult her like this? Sometimes I wonder why I married you. You are nothing but a hypocrite! I want you to leave us both alone now." Dad shouted and mum got the message. She stood up and left. After she did, dad hugged me and I cried on the sleeve of his shirt.

"It's alright baby. She's gone. It's okay. Stop crying Love." Dad kept talking to reassure me that it was okay and that mum was gone. After a while, I stopped crying.

"Thanks dad. I don't know why mum doesn't want me to be happy." I spoke after I got my voice back.

"You know how she is. Let's forget about her. Tell Jason I support him. I know he's a good man and even if he isn't, you're an adult who's capable of making her own decisions. My fatherly duty is to support you." He said and I was glad that I had someone to turn to if I had any worries.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much dad. I totes appreciate it." I hugged him again.

"You need to rest. Let me walk you to your room." He stood up and helped me stand and together, we walked, climbed the stairs and moved down the hallway till we got to my room.

"Dad, before I forget, Jason said he wants your permission to start taking me to school and back as from tomorrow. What do you think?" I asked with hope, not sure if dad would agree.

"He has my full permission. As long as he brings you home in one piece. I'll inform Ana so she can start driving herself with the car her dad got her last year." Dad sure did surprise me.

"That's so sweet dad. But where does this leave Maxwell? You know he needs the money."  I just hope Maxwell doesn't get sacked. He definitely needed money to cater for his family.

"Maxwell can take the time off to be with his wife and kids while I sought out what job he should do next. I know he needs the money." Dad replied.

I turned the door knob and the door opened and I stepped in.

"Cassie?" Dad called me as I was about to shut the door.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I know I don't say this a lot but I want you to know that I love you and support you always. You're my daughter and I'm super proud of you." he said, nervously.

Aw! I couldn't remember the last time he said those words but I was grateful that he did.

"I love you too dad. Goodnight." I replied after hugging him for the millionth time tonight.

"G'night. Sweet dreams." he said and I got in and shut the door.

Remembering my first date and the details in between. I giggled, placed my cane on the floor to lean on the wall and flung myself on the bed.

Sweet dreams? I definitely will be having those tonight.

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