Chapter 6

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Mum never apologized after her speech, she already had her heart set on ruining my life.

I wouldn't be too forward to say ruin yet because who knows, I could get married to the richest man on earth and that would make her proud.

After church on Sunday, we had lunch with dad's business colleague, Mr Davis Hampton and his wife, Sophia Hampton. Mr Davis kept complimenting Ana and I on our good looks and mentioned something about one of us being suitable for his son, Zachary, who was currently in Thailand on a business project. Mum clapped her hands in agreement. Ana and I sighed inwardly because mum had already  began planing either of our weddings with him in her head. Ana and I chose to be silent all through the meal, only answering questions thrown at us.

On Monday, Tess, Ana and I went shopping. The bottleneck of the whole event was getting the perfect dress for me. They both complained ceaselessly about all the dresses I put on. The more they complained, the more weary I became. I was so pooped that I told them the next dress I would try on, no matter how shabby or worthless it seemed, I would buy it.

Fortunately, the last dress I wore, according to them was the right dress because it was blue and made my brown eyes sparkle. It was an off shoulder gown which was straight and fitted from my shoulders to my waist but was free and large to my ankles.

Lucky me!

I was excited that we would finally leave soon. But my excitement was cut short when they tried on theirs. Ana and Tess were two of the craziest people I had ever met. They seemed to argue a whole lot. I didn't even know when I slept off. Who could  blame me? I couldn't understand the reason for their countless oppositions and moreover the sofa I sat on was so damn comfortable. I mean if you were in my shoes, you'd definitely sleep.

They woke me up and I groaned and mumbled something incoherent, not even waking up. Ana promised we'd stop by the ice cream parlor and that cleared my sleepy eyes. I asked them if they found the right dresses and they chorused "Yes!"

Thank Goodness!

Strawberry had always been my favorite flavour of ice cream and I ordered a double cone, with lots of sprinkles. I didn't even bother to find out what the girls ordered, all that mattered was my ice cream and I.

We dropped off Tess at her hostel and Ana described the place as being sophisticated and quiet. It was unlike a typical girls' hostel, I heard some time in high school that every girls' hostel was always rowdy, dirty and the girls argued with one another mainly because they were in the habit of snatching the boyfriends of others. One time, Ana came home from school and told us during dinner about a girl who almost threw her roommate from a two storey building after she found out her roommate was sleeping with her boyfriend.

Such craziness!

Tess informed us that everyone minded their business in hers and the environment was very neat and friendly. I was very happy to hear that. When we got home, mum asked to see our dresses but Ana and I brushed her off politely, stating that we we were tired and needed to rest.

For the rest of the week, we tried to find out more about the Festival from the students. After much research, we were able to understand that the large Strawberry shortcake would be cut and distributed along with other dishes, to everyone present and that couples would dance on the dance floor. It was basically a means to gather and unite all students together to know one another better. I thought it was a pretty good idea.

The D-day came and no one was happier than Ana. She barged into my room screaming her lungs out. It was supposed to be an afternoon/evening/night party but Ana woke me up so early in the morning that one would think it was her wedding day. Since it was still early, she decided to polish my nails to while away time.

Tess arrived at our home, three hours to the Festival. That was when I decided to take a bath. After my bath, I realized they had both gotten dressed and were in the process of getting their makeup done. I put on my dress and sat on my bed, waiting for them to help me with my makeup. After theirs, they helped me do mine and they gushed about how we all looked beautiful. Mum came at that moment and requested that we all took just one picture.

One picture turned into fifteen pictures if I'm not mistaken. The continuous snapping sound of her camera made me queasy and I requested that it was enough already. I wore a pair of sneakers because I wasn't planning on wearing heels or stilettos like Ana and Tess.

Imagine a blind girl wearing heels to a Festival. That was the worst combination ever. What if there were so many people and I tripped? Who would I look up to for help?

Since my dress was long, it was  able to conceal my shoes and only prying eyes would take notice of them. Ana handed me a clutch and I placed my phone in it.

"Let's go, we are late already." Ana's happy voice suddenly turned into that of someone who missed a flight and I got worried.

"What's the time?" I asked.

"6:30pm." This time, Tess replied.
Oh my gosh! 6:30pm? But all we did so far didn't feel like more than an hour's activity.

"Remind me never to prepare to attend any party with you girls again." I warned both girls but instead of feeling remorseful, they only laughed.

Ana and Tess could be early and late at the same breath.

"Cassie, I want to have a word with you before you leave." Mum dragged me back as we were about to leave.

"Wait for me in the car." I instructed the girls and they left.

"Cassie, it's your first party and as your mother, I want you to have fun. Loosen up, meet charming people and enjoy it to the fullest but your curfew ends at 1:am." With the way mum spoke, I couldn't help but think that she was playing the role of a fairy godmother and I was Cinderella.

Nevertheless, I hugged her and assured her that I understood what she said. I wasn't even planning on staying up too late so grabbed my cane and went downstairs to meet with the girls in the car.

"What did your mum say Cassie?" Tess asked as soon as Maxwell began to drive.

"She just said she wants me have fun and be back by 1:00am." I replied.

"Yikes! 1:00am as in the morning? That's too soon. How much fun can we get before that time?" Ana grumbled and I laughed.

"That's enough time for me. I really don't want to stay up late." I responded.

"Yeah right. As soon as I get there, I'm gonna drink my ass off and dance with the most handsome guy in the party." Ana replied and Tess whistled in agreement. She sounded like it was a high school party where you knew everyone including the most handsome boy who was always Prom king. This is NYU for crying out loud. There were over fifty thousand students.

So I guess I would be alone for the most part of the night.

Le sigh!

When we got to school, it didn't seem like there was a party going on. But Ana commented that all the students she could see, were in fancy dresses and suits. Tess said her brother was already there and informed her via text message that the party was held close to the law faculty. I had been to the law Faculty twice because they had interesting braille books which I could make use of for my research, so my driver already knew where it was located.

When we got close, we heard the loud banging sound of the speakers and Tess and Ana squealed like stuck pigs, almost deafening me. Party freaks!  We got down and and held hands, I gripped my cane tightly, feeling  nervous all too soon. I felt like asking Maxwell to take back home so I could hug my pillow till dawn but mum won't be excited and I definitely had to loosen up a little. Who knows, I could actually enjoy myself tonight.

"Get ready to have the best fun ever!" Ana yelled.

Summoning courage, I held my chin high and hoped within me that I would definitely have fun tonight.

What do you think will happen at the party?
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Till the next update!


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