Chapter 38

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"Sorry for interrupting but we had to come in. You spent a whole lot of time in here and we got a little bit worried." Doctor O'Brien and my parents walked back in.

"Yes! And it certainly wasn't what we were expecting to see." Dad teased. I hid my face at the crook of Jason's neck in embarrassment. This was the second time they had caught us kissing. Well, technically, it was mum who saw us the first time at the airport.

"You guys better get used to it." To my shock, Jason teased back, "Because she's my girlfriend and I plan to kiss her whenever and wherever I want." He answered and it didn't take a telepath to realize that he was indirectly talking to mum.

Dad laughed, to my astonishment and that also made me realise he had accepted Jason as my boyfriend. Knowing dad, who could be entirely strict and utterly caring, the fact that he accepted my boyfriend was completely unexpected, but also heart-warming. My heart leaped!

"So what have you decided on, Cassie?" The doctor enquired. I was forced to forget my thoughts on my dad accepting Jason and whatnot. It was time to finally tell them my decision!

"Mum, dad, Doctor, I've decided to go through with the surgery." I yelled. I felt they were gonna have a panic attack, especially mum who seemed quiet. But she laughed joyfully when I finished my sentence.

My dad squealed to my surprise and gripped me a in bone-crushing hug which left my bones begging for mercy.

"It's okay dad, you're compressing my bones and I can't breathe." I complained under my breath. He released me and immediately I felt a rush of fresh air through my bones and my entire body. Dad sure could kill with his muscles. Literally!

"I'm so sorry dear." He said calmly, almost embarrassingly. I could definitely feel the pink color on his cheeks.

"It's alright dad. No harm done." I shrugged and welcomed mum's hug. It was a sad and happy hug. I knew she still wanted to cry. It wasn't everyday one discovered her ‘Baby’ would see again.

"I hate to break the moment but we would have to perform the surgery as soon as we can. A long period of time could lead to more damage and harm. Therefore, I suggest we fix it in two weeks time, that way, I'd contact the necessary surgeons for this." Doctor O'Brien emphasized.

Two weeks!

It was incredulous that I would be able to see in the two weeks' time. Unbelievable!

Why hadn't I reported about the severe headaches since? Perhaps I would be seeing clearly by now.

Well everything happens in God's time.

Thank you LORD for the hope to see. Thank you so much! I am beyond happy.  I silently prayed.


Four days later, I sat comfortably, munching my favorite honey-flavoured popcorn and Pepsi while having a fun evening with my girls. Ana and Tess had been all over me ever since they found out I would see again. They bought some skin care lotion, anti-pimple and anti-acne tube cream. According to their oh-so-brilliant idea, the items were bought to get rid of all the pimples and acne I had and also tone my skin colour a little so I would feel the essence of my beauty when I began to see.

I only complied to make use of them so they'd get off my neck. Besides I wanted to look and feel beautiful although I didn't rely on the body treatments; I felt beautiful in a way I couldn't explain. The inner beauty that came from within.

They didn't stop there though.

Yesterday, they disappeared in the early hours of the morning and came back so late, I got worried and bombarded them with questions. Apparently, they had gone shopping to change my entire closet. They gushed about getting me all sorts of designer clothes, bags, shoes, accessories and even underwear. Ana made sure to get me high quality makeup materials.

I was appalled and asked them to return them all. They replied saying it was too late and they had auctioned all my belongings online and half had already been sold.

I was so mad at both of them for not considering my permission. I wouldn't change my clothes because I felt good in them. Moreover, both girls always commended me when I wore the clothes I had—Mum and Ana got them all for me—so I wondered why they had to change everything.

I finally forgave them when I realized the proceeds from the sale of my clothes went straight to my bank account. I could definitely save them up to fulfill my dream of owning a book store.

Jason popped by each day to see me and we talked for hours, well, we didn't entirely talk the whole time if you get what I mean. He also spent sometime with dad. The duo would sit in dad's den every evening before Jason left. I was glad they had come close to having a stable relationship.

I persisted Jason nonstop on what they discussed but he never gave me a straight answer. Only chanting each time that they had some issues to discuss. Period! Getting Jason to talk was tougher than making a fish live on land. After days of constantly trying to pry out details from him, I gave up.

If he wanted to tell me, he would.

Mum on the other hand became scarce at home. She was never around. She always had one meeting or the other with her friends. But whenever she returned, which was usually pretty late at night and I was fast asleep, she came into my room to spend the night holding me. It felt like old times when I was very young.

Things were falling into place!

However, a week later, at night, mum rushed into my room in tears and hugged me tight. I wasn't asleep then. I just ended my usual midnight call with my boyfriend. I was on the brink of asking her what the problem was. A quiet voice on the other hand, whispered for me to pretend sleeping.

I decided to go with the quiet voice instead.

She kept crying incessantly and I was hurt to feel her pain. Soon she stopped and I was deeply delighted but remained calm and still closed my eyes. After about an hour, she rose up and pushed some curls off my head and tucked them behind my ear.

"It's for the best my Cassiopeia. You deserve the best!" She said before turning to leave.

Before drifting off to sleep, I pondered on what she meant by that but cleared off my doubts when I realized she probably meant it was best for me and I deserved to see again.

I didn't deserve a second chance to see again but I was glad for the opportunity.

*Gasps* I'm so delighted for Cassie and I hope you are too.

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