Chapter 48

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This was totally a dream come true!

Cassiopeia, you can see! You can actually see!

I screamed in joy as the tears freely ran down my cheeks. The doctors—I counted four, they seemed to have similar costumes—laughed and celebrated me. The rest seemed to be on cloud nine as they laughed and cried at the same time.

I realised that they were my family. All three of them.

"Cassie sweet, I can't believe this." One of them said.

It was Dad.

Bits and pieces of what I had learnt while growing up, fell into place. I had learnt I was biracial and had a black dad and a white mum, therefore, I could tell the outstanding difference between dad's skin and the rest of them.

He had a dark brown skin, not too bulgy eyes, his nose weren't so pointed but what struck me were his teeth which seemed sparkling white. He had grown a stubble and a bulky frame. Wow! I could see that the times he spent at the gym in our home had paid off. He was dressed in a sweater and pants of which colours, I wasn't familiar with. Right now, I could only tell the difference between black and white. And it was amazing!

But what I based my attention on was the fact that here, stood my father, the most important man in my life and the reason behind my existence. My playfully stern father who had been of tremendous support to me. My dad, my rock!

I felt tears brimming as I beckoned him. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt the joy of having a Father. Having this rare gem in my life. I shut my eyes as I bathed in the flooding emotion.

"Oh dear, I'm beyond words. I can't believe my little girl can see again. This is the highlight of my life." I felt his tears soak up the rim of my hospital gown. With no words to say, I nodded, feeling happier than ever.

"Alright, alright. It's my turn! Step aside Uncle Matt." I heard Ana announce before lightly tapping dad's shoulder and quickly, I opened my eyes, blinking slightly. Her fingernails were so pretty and I stared at them before I was hauled into her arms. I blinked again and laughed hysterically as if I just heard the funniest joke ever.

Oh God, it felt good to not only hear and feel Ana's antics but to see her perform them. I laughed harder as she squeezed me. It didn't quite hurt though.

I pulled back after what seemed like forever, wiped off the dry tears left on my cheeks with the back of my palms then proceeded to examine her. She had a white skin like the others, her eyes were kinda small and looked almost like she was squinting but the colour of her eyes pulled me more. They were a deep shade of green—She had described her eyes to me before— I believed it was a great asset. It looked so enchanting and I was mesmerized. Her lips were full had a perky pout. She seemed not to have applied any makeup because her face looked slightly pale and whiter than the rest of her body visible to me. Her hair was a mesh of sleekness. It looked straight and curved towards the tip of it. It felt bouncy as it fell on her shoulders. I recalled her telling me that she had auburn hair!

Hmm, so this is what reddish brown hair looks like? -I mentally applauded myself for figuring it out.

She also wore a turtle neck sweater which matched the vitality of her eyes. But it was quite lighter than the shade of her eyes though. She wore a pair of baggy pants. I reached out and touched them, the material seemed hard and firm against my flesh, I gasped. Oh my goodness!


Overall, she looked really beautiful.

"Ana... You're beautiful!" I exclaimed and she seemed to light up as a tinge of colour emerged on her cheeks. Holy cow! I believed she just blushed. So this is how you blush? Super cool!

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