Important Notice!

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Hello Fam! How are you all and how are you enjoying the Year 2018 so far? I believe you're having a great Year.

First and foremost, I just want to thank everyone for sticking to this story. Thanks for the follows, reads, votes, comments and shares. I am beyond grateful.

I'm even grateful to all the silent readers who only read. You've helped increase the reads on this story and I appreciate you all.

I've got this huge news I'd like to share with you all.

There will be a SEQUEL to When Love Dies.

I know that perhaps you're all flabbergasted by this news so let me tell you the reason for this.

When love Dies is quite a long story which centres on Cassiopeia( If you have no idea who she is, please go back to the beginning to understand the whole story) who has gone through a lot of things and will definitely still pass through more.

I know some readers get scared of seeing so many chapters to read. It's sort of a huge challenge to them reading it. For example, a reader could just surf for books on Wattpad and see “When Love Dies” and be like “ Woah! A hundred Chapters? I can't read this. It's just too lengthy.”

So if I get to break down the story into a prequel and sequel, They'd be able to proceed into reading the next part. But Right Now, I won't tell you the Title of the sequel but bear it in mind that When Love Dies has a Part Two.

I'll definitely let you know what the next story title will be, all in good time. Good things come to them that wait, right? *Smiles evilly*

However Part One isn't over yet. There are still a few more exciting and emotional chapters involved.

So sit tight, relax, pull your favourite blanket around you, turn on your bedside lamp, Grab a donut and a bowl of ice cream if you feel hungry and KEEP READING! *Winks*

Moreover, I appreciate each and everyone who would read the remaining chapters and still proceed to Part two. You deserve Accolades!

Without further ado, let's Go back to the story, When Love Dies.


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