Chapter 41

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I was still securely wrapped around mum's arms. We both stayed that way, not saying a word, until mum finally broke the silence.

"What were you up to before I came in?" She asked. I had even forgotten about going to the beach.

"I wanted to go to the beach. Knowing it'd be chilly out there, I went into my closet to get this sweater." I answered.

"That's good. I can't remember the last time we went to the beach together." She said dreamily.

True. Mum and dad used to spend time with Ana and I when we were younger. They stopped when they realised we were grown ups and needed time to ourselves.

"Why don't you come along with me? We could just sit, talk and bask in the smell and waves of the ocean." I asked optimistically. Spending time together at the beach would draw us closer and I wanted that to happen.

"I'm sorry dear but I can't. I need to call Doctor O'Brien and apologize for my behavior. And I also need to be with your father. Lord knows I haven't been the best wife to him lately." She said and I was beyond astonished by her words. This was definitely not my mum talking, or was it? This reminded me of Isaac in the Bible who was deceived by his son, Jacob. The latter deceived his father with a lamb's skin and pretended he was his elder twin brother.

But the voice and nature of her skin surely belonged to my mum. And I was grateful for her sudden change.

"Besides, that boyfriend of yours won't stay away from you so I better go before he comes." Mum interrupted my thoughts and I tried to focus on her words.

"Jason? But mum, he's so nice. I think you should get to know each other better." I suggested encouragingly. To my understanding, mum and Jason never had some alone moments to get to know each other. Two of the most important people in my life still couldn't get along with each other.

"I'll pass. I still don't like that man and if it were up to me, I'd choose someone else for you who is capable of taking good care of you." She said.

"But mum, how can you draw up conclusions if you haven't spent time with him? Jason is the sweetest, most caring man I know and he loves me and isn't worried about my financial status. Please mum, give him a chance." I begged, almost about to sob again. But I held myself this time.

"Save it! My decision still stands. I believe he's not good for you and nothing you say will ever make me change how I feel about him." She snapped and I was taken aback. Woah! Mum sure was bipolar. Or better yet, she had a dual personality. I couldn't believe the same person expressing raw emotions of love could change, scratch that, swap to a person of so much hatred. Well, I wasn't really disappointed though. This was the regular mum I had grown to understand. I could live with this!

I heaved a sigh and slumped on my bed without a care in the world. My stomach growled and I squirmed.

"You should eat something before going to the beach. Your dad and the rest just finished having dinner downstairs " Mum said and I agreed. I mean, why wouldn't I, when my stomach was literally screaming for food?

We both walked out of my room and mum excused herself and then left to call my doctor. I went down the stairs and into the kitchen to figure out what to eat. Perhaps I could make a sandwich, I thought to myself as I moved over to the refrigerator.

"Hey." A voice said and immediately, I felt two hands covering my eyes.

Yeah, like I would even see who it was even with my eyes wide open. I chuckled.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was Jason. Yeah, he could be completely cheesy most times.

"Hey you." I said. He hands left my eyes and held my waist pulling me to him. I could feel the pounding of my heart and my knees weakened. This was my usual reaction whenever he was close to me.

"When did you wake up?" He asked, his lips so close to me that I couldn't feel his breath fanning my neck.

"A Fe.. A few minutes ago. I was with mum." I stuttered. My mind traveled and I kept imagining all sort of things. If I moved closer, I would press my lips against his and it would be like all the amazing, spell bounding kisses we've always had.

He's your boyfriend, you can kiss him, stupid. My subconscious  emphasized.

As soon as, I was about to give in, my stomach rumbled. Way to go! Thanks hunger, thanks for ruining my moment.

Jason pulled me away from the refrigerator and led me to sit on one of the chairs located at the kitchen island.

"Let me quickly prepare a turkey sandwich for my girlfriend before she eats me up." He teased my raging hunger. I felt mortified and hid my face in embarrassment.

"I haven't eaten since lunch. I'm getting hungrier by the day." I retorted. My mind zoomed back to my state of health. Perhaps this was one of the symptoms of death, excessive hunger?

Don't be so naive, Cassie, you aren't going to die. The inner me countered my thoughts.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I sat patiently as Jason made my sandwich and offered them to me along with a cold glass of yoghurt. I gorged myself ravenously on my food and was through within few minutes.

"Wow! You ate it all in... Ten minutes. Should I be worried?" Jason asked and I had completely forgotten he was with me.

"Of course not. You should be happy your girlfriend can eat." I answered with a grin.

He remained quiet and I guess he was processing the fact that he had a glutton for a girlfriend. Sorry boyfriend, but that came with the whole package.

His silence became unbearable and I thought of a way to break the awkward silence. Then I remembered the beach. Brilliant!

"I want to go to the beach. You wanna come with?" I asked. Hopefully he'd say yes.

"Of course. I wanna be with you all the time." He agreed.

You see this was what I appreciated in Jason. He knew just the right words to make me smile. He knew what to do to make me happy.


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