Chapter 12

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On Monday, Ana insisted I wore something special considering it to be my first date ever. She made me wear a pair of jean shorts, a very baggy long sleeve shirt which was slightly longer than the shorts and knee-length boots. She did my makeup, just light, to brighten my face and then she helped give my hair a wavy look.  After that, she said I looked like a girl straight out of a magazine. I thanked her and then we left my room after taking our bags and my cane.

When we got downstairs, mum got suspicious on the way I was dressed and asked us a lot of questions. I decided to tell her the truth but still managed to leave Jason's name out of it. To say she was happy, was an understatement. Mum cried that morning, hugging and kissing my face and neck until I wanted to puke. She told me to spend as much time with ‘My boyfriend’(of course I didn't tell her I had a boyfriend, I only said a date but she read more into it) but come home early because It was a school day and there'd be school tomorrow.

At school, I tried my best possible to listen during lectures but my mind kept wandering off to Jason and my future date. At lunch, Tess and Ana helped retouch my makeup. Gee! They wouldn't even let me eat anything greasy, so my make up wouldn't get ruined.

At last Jason called and said he was on his way to pick me up after my classes were over. Ana, Tess and I waited for him at the parking lot of my Arts and Humanities faculty.

"He's here. Oh my gosh! He looks hot." Ana giggled like a little child who was told that Santa Claus would be coming early.

"Really? Where is he? I need to see this Greek god." Tess giggled too. If these two weren't my friends and I trusted them, I would rudely ask them to take their eyes off Jason but fortunately, I knew they only praised his beauty to impress me the more.

"Over there, the guy coming over right now. He is wearing a black T-shirt and blue ripped jeans. Isn't that the definition of hotness?" Ana continued to rant on and on, while ogling Jason.

So that's what he's wearing? Got to keep that in mind for future purposes.

"What? That's Jason... My brother." Tess exclaimed.

"What!" Ana and I said in unison.

"That's my brother, the one I've been telling you about. This is unbelievable." she replied.

"Hello ladies. Theresa and Cassiopeia, you both know each other?" Jason asked when he got to us.

"Yeah, we do. Is Cassie the one who's got you all soppy and smiling at nothing in particular since the party?" Tess asked and I could tell Jason was embarrassed because he seemed unable to talk.

"Well, yes. She's also the one I spoke of back in England. The one I lost contact with as a child." He explained after finding his voice.

"Wow! You mean she's the one?" turning to me she spoke in my ear but her voice was loud enough for us all to hear clearly. "My brother likes you, scratch that, he's madly in love with you. I can't believe you were the one I was referring to when I told you that night at the slumber party that he was in love once but lost contact with her." She was cut short by Jason's domineering voice.

"Theresa, I think that's enough! You don't want to scare her off, do you? Cassie, please let's go." He tugged on my hand and drew me away from the girls. I couldn't think straight. This was the first time he called me "Cassie".

"Wait Jason." Tess shouted and we stopped, only for her to run and hug me, throwing me off guard this time around. But I recovered quickly and hugged her back.

"Welcome to the family. He has found you at last, please don't leave him again. Take care of him, will you."  It was supposed to be a question but it sounded more like a statement and that made me believe that she was placing him in my care, to love and be with him every step of the way and I made a promise to do just that.

Phew!  That sure sounded like a marriage vow.

"Alright, let the sentiments end please. It was nice meeting you again Anabelle. I hope we could meet up and talk soon." Jason eased me out of Tess' embrace as he spoke to Ana.

"Same here Jason. Take care of her. She's my sister and you don't want to mess with me if you screw this up." Ana replied.

Had Ana been here the whole time? I guess she recently just developed the habit of keeping quiet except when addressed.

"Bye, girls!" With a smug look, I held Jason's hand and we left the girls behind.

"So where are we off too?" I asked as soon as we hit the road.

"It's a surprise. Just relax." His hand was still on mine and I held on to it like my life depended on it. Our hands felt like they were moulded for each other and I revelled in the feeling.

He turned down the windows for fresh air to come in and  the wind engulfed us. I heard the flapping wings of birds, their melodic chirpy voices as they flew and the swaying of the trees.
I grinned from ear to ear.

"I think I know the perfect song for this moment." Jason whispered beside me, as soon as he had spoken, he clicked on the sound system of his car then the melody of Sally Seltmann's "Harmony to my heartbeat" began playing.

"I love this song." I replied, still spellbound.

"I'm glad you love it." He seemed happy to know that all the songs he had played so far with me in his car were songs I loved as well.

"Thanks, Jason." I lifted his hand which was still clasped in mine, to my lips and kissed it, making sure to let him understand that whatever happens, I was grateful he was with me.

I will continue to enjoy each and every moment with him. Taking it all step by step.

The next step now will be to enjoy this lovely date as exciting as it sounds.

Yay or nay?
Where do you think they are off too for their first date?
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Till the next update!


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