Not the only one

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{Recap: Maya found the picture of Ira & Rachel on the beach and wants answers}


"Huh? What is it Maya?" She asked in confusion.

"EXPLAIN... THIS!!!!!!" She yelled with pure anger, holding the photo in her hands.

Rachel immediately recognized the photo. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. It was all there. The evidence that she and Ira had been dating. 

"Ummmm... Where did you find that ?" she asked, knowing the answer. She tried to pretend she does not know what she is talking about. But they both saw Natalie, Clara and Mackenzie walk by. They looked at them both in confusion, asked themselves why Maya transformed, why Rachel had a weird " I didn't do that but secretly I actually did" kind of expression on her face and why Maya, or Glitter Heart had a photo in her hand. 

" GH {Glitter Heart}! What's happening!!!"

"Rachel! Tell me the truth. Tell us the truth!!! Why do you have such a picture??!!" Screamed GH

" Uh.. UMmmm.. *sigh* If you really want to know, Me and Ira love each other."


" And you can't change my mind!"

"We'll talk about this later Rachel"

GH transformed back into Maya and Nat and Clara left the scene

Rachel fell to the ground crying. Whispering to herself " Now Maya will never look at me the same way"

"Let me get you some tea"

"Huh? Mackenzie what are you doing here? I thought you left"

"Well, I didn't. Come inside now. I'll make you some green tea"

They went inside and talked a little. But suddenly Rachel felt sadness again.

" I feel terrible. I'm the only one who is dating the bad guy"

" Not the only one."


"I have something to confess. I- I am dating u- uh. Bel. Me and Bel are an Item now. Since about a week ago."


Hi it's me QUEEN111 and Wooh that took a turn. I will probably publish on Monday or Tuesday due to Thanksgiving and computer difficulties. Thank for understanding and Happy Holidays!!

And Thank you so much for 110 reads! I am so happy! You guys made my day!


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