Total Darkness Part 1: The Princesse's Minions.

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(This Chapter is a flashback Mackenzie had when she was in Splendorius and the story of Leanne)

Leanne's POV

I was about 7 years old. It was a sunny day, I remember. I just had found out that my best friend had moved away. I was sitting on the bench, when a bright looking girl sat next to me. She had beautiful short violet hair and deep violet eyes.

"Why are you so sad?" she said in an angelic voice.

"Well, my friend  moved away."

"If you want, we could be friends!"

In that moment, a goddess appeared. She said her name was Lila. I shook her hand, and we became instant friends. She was my role model. I soon started wearing more purple to be like her, and dyed my hair a darker purple. She kept telling me we would be friends forever. I believed her. What a fool I was. We played and laughed, day and night. We kept each other company, and trusted each other. We went to Magic school together and when we were 14, she got her Glitter Powers.

Becoming a GF warrior was a great honor. I followed soon after, and became "Glitter Shadow". I was Spade's shadow. And also her friend. She had great power and honor. She was the first GF warrior after Glitter Empress. And her power proved special, because soon, when she and I were 18, she got a letter from Princess Marie Angelica, to become her loyal bodyguard! I didn't want her to go, but she was so blinded by honor that she lost sight of her friend.

She was going to pass a test to get accepted. But the morning of her test, I prepared some "special breakfast for her. I cooked her an omelet, and added a power weakener. So, she headed off to her test. But, obviously, failed. She somehow found out, though and we had a huge fight.

"I can't believe you! You ruined my life!"

"What?! So you would choose a snobby, selfish princess over the friend you had for 7 years?!"

"IT WOULD DEFINITELY BE BETTER THAN YOU!!" Spade shouted in an angry voice. I was deeply hurt, and left. Apparently, the princess had accepted her, despite her bad score. I sent her 6 letters, asking her to forgive me. I was lost in despair, regret and sorrow. The goddess I had believed in, had now turned into one of the queen's minions. But, another goddess appeared: Regina. She told me her tale and how her father was defeated and that she would shroud the land in darkness and my revenge would come to fruition. She held out her hand, and I put my hand in hers. The deal was done.




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