Brave Face

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"Let me tell you how it started."

"You better"

"It all started Tuesday. My concert was interrupted by Marmo's Distain. I defeated it but used all my power so I was weak. A while later Bel showed up. I was on the ground. I collapsed. Bel took me to his hideout. He strengthened me. After I woke up he confessed he loved me. I accepted. He took me back afterwards. We kept it secret for this long."

"Umm... Wow!"

"I feel embarrassed. You are the only one who knows. I didnt know the right time to talk to Maya and the others."

"Well nows a good a time as any. To put on our brave faces and talk to all the Glitter Force."

"You're right. We have to make them realize that they cant change us."

"Lets go. They might be at the park."


"I cant believe that she is dating Ira! Its crazy!"said Maya

"Yes but, we cant change her mind. But i guess i saw it coming." said Clara

"WHAT!? REALLY!!??" screamed Maya and Nat.

"Well they had a special relationship. They mostly fought each other, Ira focused on  Rachel. And when Ira had amnesia, she refused to leave him be."

"True" said Nat

"Maybe they are "meant to be" as some say" said Clara

"We should go apologize to her. We were rude"said Maya

"No need" they heard a familiar voice behind them. It was Rachel & Mackenzie!

"We know we cant change what you think about us, but we are still the same" Rachel spoke up.

"We? Do you mean-"asked Clara

"Yes. Me and Bel are together" said Mackenzie

"And you cant change us!" said Rachel

"We know. I'm sorry the way I reacted to the situation. You didn't deserve it." said Maya. She stood up and gave them a big hug.

"No matter the difficult situation, our Doki Doki is stronger than ever."

From afar they heard a laugh. The evil laugh of Marmo. She knew the entire story. She planned to use this to her benefit.

To be continued! Sorry it took me long to upload! Too much homework. But hope you are enjoying so far!! Thank you for 447 reads!!! THANKS!!! I will most likely upload on Saturday or Sunday, but STAY TUNED!!! ;]



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All Grown Up - Glitter Force Doki Doki [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now