Total Darkness Part 2: Friends, Allies and Lovers

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Maya's POV

I had so many questions. We had turned Regina back, so, why is she doing this? Who were these people? How does Spade know them? Are we really going to be able to defeat them? As much as I wanted my questions to be answered, we had to defeat these guys first. I was looking for someone to fight, but some purple guy just came up to me and started fighting me. I transformed into a Hikari. I started fighting him. 

But in the corner of my eye, I could see a portal open up in the sky. I recognized 6 people immediately. It was the Warui. Though we had a bad history together, I knew, deep inside that they were not here to fight us, but to fight with us. Suddenly, I saw one of them head towards Clara. I froze at what happened next: HE KISSED HER???!! I was in shock. Like, what happened there? Clara looked shocked, but before I could stop her, SHE KISSED HIM BACK!!! It was insane.

One of the Warui flew up to me. She was pretty young, she had blond hair and a long all white dress.

"I'll help you" she said with a serious expression.

Narrator POV

Mackenzie was fighting hard with Leanne.

"Leanne, why are you doing this?!" Mac asked with desperation. To her surprise, Leanne started crying.

"Because the only friend I ever had left me to go learn for someone she barely even knew!" Mackenzie felt guilty. Now that she looked back, she was very unfair to her. 

"You're right. I didn't treat you right. I was unfair to you. I only realize that now. But just because I didn't treat you right, does not mean that you have to treat me and my friends unfairly too!"

"You're so selfish! You want me to feel guilty when clearly, you're in the wrong? No. I'm done taking the blame."

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry that you had to go threw all that by yourself. But, it's not too late to join our side!"

"What am I going to be on your side though? Just a temporary ally, or a permanent friend? How will you see me?"

"Definatly a friend."




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