Meet the others

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"Well now that we are all settled, we can continue with our original plans" said Maya, happily.

"What is it Mackenzie?" Clara asked looking at Mackenzie. Mac was a little gloomy than usual.

"Just missing the princess, I guess" replied Mac

"I have an idea! How about we go see Dina!" asked Nat

"Okay" they all replied.

{They walked to Johnny's Shop and looked around}

"Johnny!"yelled Rachel

"I don't think he's here"replied Nat

"Oooohh! Look at this pretty ancient mirror!" said Maya

"Maya don't touch it!" cried Nat

Immediately, when she touched the mirror, a flash of light appeared and sucked them all in. Where were they gonna end up? To be continued... Just kidding!! They all woke up in a weird place, someone's bedroom. It was all pink & had a huge library. They woke up to see a girl with dark pink hair and cinnamon roll buns and 2 big yellow bows holding it all together. She had a staffed animal looking toy on her shoulders with puffy yellow ears.

"Who do you think they are magical girls too? The way they appeared like that?" The girl whispered to the stuffed animal.

"They might b- Wait a minute! Kippie? Rory? Lance? Is that you?" The little creature replied

"Candy? Its great to see you!" all 3 pixies squealed

"Candy? Who are these other pixies?" she asked Candy, with a warm smile

"They come from Splendorius, another happy and magical kingdom like Jubiland!! We met when we were very young so we haven't seen each other in a while!" replied the pixie

Maya slowly stood up and introduced herself to the pink-haired girl.

"Hi i'm Maya and I am a Glitter Force Warrior!"

"WHAT!!??" The girl screamed "A glitter force warrior? You mean like me?"

"Yup!" replied Candy

"I'm Mackenzie and this is Natalie, Clara Maya and Rachel" replied Mac

"Hi, i'm Emily. So where do you come from?"

"We come from a little town in the East." Mac said

"I cant wait till you meet the others!!" squealed Emily

"There are others?" asked Rachel

"Yup! many more!!" replied Candy

"Boy, I cant WAIT!!" Squealed Maya

To be continued... Thanks for reading!! Next chapter will be longer, sorry its short. But Thx for reading and STAY TUNED!!



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All Grown Up - Glitter Force Doki Doki [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now