Keeping a Secret all to Yourself

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Glitter Diamond was now Mercenare Diamond. She now looked like a Glitter force warrior and a Mercenare mixed together. Darker shade of blue and bat wings from her head. She did not know what to do. Her friends were unconscious due to the blast of negative energy.

She used all her magic and defeated Marmo. Her friends were waking up. Ira quickly teleported to her. Marmo was looking at her. How did she beat her so easily? And by herself?

"We have to go before they see!" Ira whispered

"OK" she replied.

They teleported to her house. She cooked lunch and Ira explained what happened. She turned normal. Her bat wings went away.

"The charm I gave you is called a Mercenere charm. It gives you Mercenare Powers. Like Mine. "

"Well I'm sure Maya would kno-"

"No one can know."

"Oh, Ok"

"I have to go. I'll come back tomorrow. Bye"


In her head, Rachel was confused. How could she keep such a big secret from her friends?


Mackenzie was alone in her house. Bel teleported behind her. He covered her eyes and said

"Guess who!!"

"Bel? Is that you?"



She turned around and they both embraced a kiss.

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking. I wonder what happened to Rachel when we were fighting Marmo. Last I remember falling on the ground"

"You were fighting Marmo?"


"I can ask Ira what happened, if you want."


"What are you cooking?"


"Can I have sum? Pls?( ͡°⊱ ͡°)"

"Ok! Now stop that face!" Mac said smiling

{The next Day}

Rachel woke up & started brushing her teeth. She looked in the mirror. She shrieked. There were bat wings on her! They went away after she came home. They were here again how!!!!!

Hey Guys!! SO SORRY I have not published in a while. I have been busy. A shout out to WatermeloonGirl !!

She helped me come up with this chapter! Thanks for reading and stay tuned!!

All Grown Up - Glitter Force Doki Doki [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now