The truth about Maya

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They ran like the wind to Johnny's.

"Now explain" Rachel said while running

"It's extremely rare for a human to transform into a distain with no Mercenare around. When it does happen it's usually for one of the usual reasons like jealousy and envy that goes to a big extreme. The only explanation that I know, is that.."

Ira seemed to struggle to get the words out.

"Is that she was born a distain."


"See, distains can be born from dark hearts. When a glitter force warrior can't get to the distain within 1 hour, the transformation is irreversible. All they have to do left is finish them off. But rarely if the distain's heart is still a bit pure, they are reborn. They are reborn in human forms and later in their lives become distains. Usually they are defeated by the Glitter Force. These distains are called Hikari. Glitter Empress was also a Hikari."

"But why is Maya in danger?"

"There are alot more Mercenare and bad guys than you think. Some of these people hunt down Hikari, because they believe that their powers are greater than a normal glitter force warrior's"

"But, we defeated her as a distain yesterday!"
"Yes but the distain's powers stay inside the hosts body. After the distain is defeated, it can be useful in battle. They can combine distain and GF powers to combat more powerful enemies. Other enemies probably already know where she is."

"Ok, then let's hurry"

They ran as fast as the wind. They now were probably 2 min away from Johnny's.

'Hang in there Maya..' Rachel thought to herself.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you and stay tuned!



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