Sunny Day

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Clara was temporarily not going to school, due to her weakened self. Instead, she spent her days in her bed, sleeping because she was drained of her energy. Her parents were in a conference in Italy, so she was alone with Sebastian. All of the days after the big fight were rainy and cloudy. Clara, engulfed in sadness, was desperately trying bottle up her feelings. She lay in her bed, looking out the window.

"What a gloomy day" Clara said.

"Yes, a rainy day, my lady" Sebastian, who was in the corner replied.

"I wish there was something to do."

"You have almost fully recovered. You may spend time with your friends." Sebastian suggested. Clara's face lit up with joy and excitement.

"You are right Sebastian!" she grabbed a long, milky white dress with green flower patterns on it and fancy orange sandals. She grabbed her phone and called Maya, Rachel, and Mackenzie.

"Hey girls! Meet me at the beach! And bring your swimsuits! Today we are going to hang out at the beach!" she said over the phone. They all agreed and hung up. She ran to Sebastian and said

"Prepare the deluxe picnic basket! We're going to the beach!"

{Time skip} [At the beach]

Clara's POV

"Hey girls!" I said, waving my hands in the air, and Sebastian trailing behind me with a big picnic basket. I had my swimsuit in the little backpack I was carrying. I prefer to change at the beach unlike my friends.

"Hey Clara!" replied Rachel, in a pretty blue and turquoise striped swimsuit. Maya was wearing a frilly, pink dotted bikini and Mac had a purple swimsuit with music notes printed on the front. We chatted a bit and gave Sebastian time to set up the picnic. We ate a few sandwiches that were really good, and I put on my swimsuit. It was a yellow bikini with small orange flowers.

"I'm so glad you came girls. I was afraid you wouldn't come." I said in a gloomy voice.

"Why did you think that?" Mac asked, concerned for her friend.

"B-B-Because" Clara was tearing up "It was all my fault that the town was half destroyed!"

"No! It wasn't your fault! You were not yourself!" Maya said.

"Awwww" they all said together, as they huddled in a group hug.

"I'm just glad it's finally a sunny day! It's finally a peaceful day." Clara said.

But in the corner of the sky, a voice made of pure darkness spoke to herself quietly.

"Peace, huh? Well spoiler alert kid! It wont last long!"

To be continued...

Hey guys. I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, this book will soon come to an end. The good news is, there might be a sequel! But that's up to you guys. Please comment down below, if you would like a sequel. The results will determine if there will be a sequel or not. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and STAY TUNED!!



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