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A chapter viewed from Clara's perspective:

I was sitting in class when outside of my school's window, I see Rachel and Ira running out of their school(Clara goes to a different school). The first thought that came to mind was why was Ira in a school uniform? But the thing that puzzled me most was why were they running out of school? I mean, school was going to start in 5 minutes. Just then, I felt pretty lonely. They went to a different school than me. I didn't want to feel like that anymore. I made up my mind, and decided to follow them.

I got out of school and headed towards them. The were running so fast I could barely keep up! It was strange. I could feel some kind of sinister power around Sea Shell Bay. It was approaching, but I didn't know who it was. Rachel and Ira seemed to be heading to Johnny's, but why? I started debating if I should call out to them, or stay low and just follow them. After a minute, I decided on the first option; calling out to them. Just when I was about to shout, I felt someone's hand around my mouth. He started speaking, but I didn't recognize his voice.

"Don't you dare try to shout. Or I'll kill you." the mysterious voice said."I'll tale my hand off your mouth but, only if you promise not to yell. Or else you'll die an instant death."

I nodded, trying to hold back tears. He let go, and I slowly turned around. I saw a guy, about 16, with black hair and headphones around his neck staring at me with his pure blue eyes. He had a gray shirt and a black jacket with light blue around the fringes. He also wore black jeans that had a chain around one leg.

"You're coming with us." He said in a dark menacing, but calm and quiet voice. For a minute I thought about what he said. Us? Suddenly about five more dark and shady looking people floated above me. There were 3 girls and 2 more guys. Strangely, they looked like another group of Mercenares. But I didn't recognize them. But their dark powers were definitely the ones looming over Sea Shell Bay. In a flash the five in the air disappeared and suddenly, we vanished too. Kind of like the Mercenaries did when their distain were defeated. After a few seconds, I found myself in a dark room, only lit up by faint red lights on the sides. I front of me was a big red throne, holding an evil looking man. He chucked faintly and said, in the most terrifying voice I've heard,

"Welcome, Glitter Clover"

Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter! Will the rest of the GF find Clara? Will she be hurt by these unknown people? Stay tuned to find out! Love you guys and later,



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All Grown Up - Glitter Force Doki Doki [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now