Dont leave Me

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Jonah P.O.V

Jonah and Cyrus were in their room. Jonah had his head rested on Cyrus' lap while Cyrus played on his phone.

"Cyrus." Jonah said poking Him on the arm. Cyrus layed down his phone and looked at Jonah. "What Joanh" Cyrus said smiling. "Do you Want to go to the movies?"

"Sure. when?" Cyrus said casually. "Later today" Jonah smiled getting up. "Cyrus turned to Jonah. "What movie are we seeing?" He laughed. Jonah kissed him softly then pulled away. "Its a surprise." He said.

(Skip To Movies)

Jonah held hands with Cyrus as they walked into the Theater. They had perchased popcorn and some candy before entering.

They slowly made their way down the isle and Jonah sat down motioning for Cyrus to sit next to him.

Cyrus sat next to him and situated their belongings. "What are we watching?" Cyrus whispered. Jonah gave a sympathetic smile. "Its Annabelle Creation."

Cyrus grew pale in the dim light. "Jonah..." He whined. "Babe," Jonah said taking Cyrus' hand. "I'll be here for you the whole time, if you get scared I'm right here to protect you." Cyrus pecked Jonah on the lips and gave a hopeless smile.

(During The Movie)

A dark figure twisted and turned on the screen revealing a demonic face and Jonah felt Cyrus bury his face in his arm.

Jonah sort of smiled at the fact that Cyrus was clinging on to him in fear. He kissed Cyrus on the head and continued to watch the movie.

(At Cyrus' House)

Cyrus still clung to Jonah's arm in fear as they layed in bed. "Cyrus are you OK?" Jonah said concerned. "N-no Jonah I t-told you I h-hate scary m-movies" Cyrus said with his eyes closed.

"Oh Cyrus" Jonah said chucking and messing up.Cyrus' hair. "Don't l-leave me" Cyrus stammered. Jonah pulled Cyrus' face up to his so their noses were almost touching.

"I'll never leave you, Cyrus. I love you." He said seriously. "I love you too, Jonah." Cyrus said and they kissed each other slowly. Not wanting to pull away, they cuddled together and fell asleep.

Happy thanksgiving guys here's another to make up for the short one earlier. Ily㊙😍

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