Nightmares to Depression 2

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Jonah P. O. V

Until the doctor walked in with a sad expression on his face. "I'm sorry" He told me. I felt tears well up in my eyes. No! "He's in a coma. And we don't know how long." I sort of sighed in relief. "C-can you guess?" I asked stupidly. "At least a week, and at most... 4 years." The doctor said hesitantly. My eyes widened.

"What!? 4 years?" I screamed in shock. "Sir, the possibility of that happening is about 25 percent. Only a few people have done it. He's more likely to be asleep for a month or if your lucky, a week."

I started to cry. "W-what happens w-when he wakes u-up?" The doctor looked at me with sympathy. "Two things, one good, one bad. He could have amnesia, or he could be perfectly fine." I looked at him in shock as if my whole world had been crushed in front of me, and it basically had. Cyrus is my soul mate I know it. I love him so much, I can't live without him.

He's my other half, the love of my life, my one and only, my love, my heart, and everything in between. But most of all, he's my best friend. I can tell him anything I love, need, and trust him. "Can I go t-to his room?" I asked.

The doctor nodded and motioned for me to follow. We entered the room and for the second time this month I saw Cyrus hooked up to a ton of machines in a hospital bed. I walked over and pulled a chair over to the bed.

I sat in the chair and grabbed Cyrus' hand rubbing my thumb in circles. I looked at the ring on his finger. J+c forever. I started to cry. Dear god please! Save him! Please...

I kissed Cyrus' hand and closed my eyes. I was slowly lulled asleep by Cyrus' breathing and the beeping of the monitor.


The weeks flew by fast, Cyrus remained in his coma, and I basically cried myself to sleep every night at the hospital because I missed him. I constantly listened to the song all I want, which made me cry and miss him even more.

I miss his smile, his touch, his voice... I miss... Everything about him. My life isn't the same. The only part in the song that doesn't relate to me is the part about finding someone new.

I'm at Cyrus' house, well mine and his house, and I'm sitting quietly on our bed. Then I realized, Cyrus had to have wrote a suicide note if he was trying to kill himself. I ran to the bathroom and searched frantically through drawers and cabnits until, bingo! I saw a note signed your love cyrus beside the bathtub and read it.

I started crying for the millionth time after reading the note. He did this because of me? Well partly but still! He did worry me but only because I thought he would do what he did to cause this coma!

Why would he do this? Well I understand but at the same time I don't. Does he not understand how much I'd miss him?????? If he survives ill need to tell him something. I'll need to tell why I understand why he wants to kill himself and not just the part about me.

I don't know if I can but I trust him not to tell anyone...

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