Meeting You

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Cyrus P. O. V

I walked to my first period with Jace following right behind me. We walked in, I sat down, and motioned for him to sit next to me. "In this class you can basically talk all period, Mr Simmons doesn't really care what we do."

Jace nodded. "Hey, you wanna play a game?" I said shrugging. "Sure, what game" He said half smiling. "21 questions. Have you played?" Jace nodded. "Want me to go first?" I asked. Jace shrugged and nodded yes.

"Ok, ummmmmm... What's your favorite color" I asked smiling at him. "Maroon" Jace said and paused. "I know not very common." I laughed. "Mines Royal Blue" I said. "What's your favorite desert?" Jace asked.

"Ice creammmmm" I answered licking my lips. "Me too" Jace smiled. "Hmmmm... What's your favorite food?" I asked casually. "Ohhh! I went to this place yesterday near here and they had the most amazing baby taters ever!" Jace exclaimed and my eyes widened.

"You like baby taters too!?" I said smiling. "Yea duh! I've been in love with them since I was little! They're so good!" He said beaming. "Omg I love you!" I said hugging him. Then it got awkward. "I uh-uh... I mean as a friend. I've never met anyone who loves them as much as me..." I said twiddling my thumbs.

"It's all good bro." Jace said scratching the back of his head. He's kinda cute... Oh no! I can't think that! "What's your ummmmmm... I don't know... Wait do you want to meet me after school?" He asked. I shrugged and nodded yes.

"We can go to my house but my, uhhh, Jonah will be there." Jace looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Who's jonah?" He asked throwing his hands in his pockets. "He's a really... Really close friend." I said looking down. "Cool, I'll be there" He said nodding.

"You can walk home with me if you want" I said running my hand through my hair. "Sure" Jace nodded.

(On the walk to Jonah&Cyrus's house)

I walked on the sidewalk toward my house with Jace beside me. "So what's your favorite song?" He asked. "Guess we are continuing our game, " I laughed. "My favorite song is daydreaming" I said shrugging. "Cool I've listened to it, it's good. But I like I'm the one" He said half smiling.

"Who's the last person you dated?" I asked. "I um... Well Riley leadingham" Jace said scratching the back of his head. I guess he does that when he's nervous... "The last person I dated was Iris, you don't know her but I didn't really like her, or anyone like her." I said as we walked up my driveway.

"Ok uh... What's your... I don't know... S-sexuality" Jace stammered and I felt myself go pale. "I um... I'm g-gay..." I stammered stupidly. Jace stopped and looked at me. "Your not alone" He said sticking his hand out for me to shake it. "Hey I'm Jace, I'm just like you." I stared at him then shook his hand.

"You should probably know then, Jonah is my boyfriend" I said looking down. "I could have guessed but I can't wait to meet him" Jace said putting his hands in his pockets. "Well he's in here" I said opening the door.

Jonah P. O. V

The doorknob turned and Cyrus stepped in with a boy who I'm guessing was Jace Lavigne. He had ocean blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair that fell over his eyes. He was wearing a black denim jacket, yellow shirt, and white ripped jeans. Damn give me some of that. Shit! No Jonah your with Cyrus stop it!

"Hey cyrus!" I said standing up and kissing him. I pulled away and looked at Jace. "It's, Jace, right?" I said nodding toward the blonde boy. "Yea. Nice you meet you" He said sticking his hand out to shake mine. I shook it and threw my arm around Cyrus bringing him over to the couch.

"So how was your day babe?" I said snuggling into him. "Great" He said and motioned for Jace to sit on the couch. He sat down awkwardly as me and Cyrus flirted. Then Cyrus Sat up. "I have to use the bathroom." He said walking upstairs.

"So um... Hey" I said awkwardly. Jace gave me a guy nod. "So tell me about you I guess" I said sitting crisscross applesauce in front of him. "Well my name is Jace Lavigne, I'm 15, I love Frisbee, and well, I'm gay..." He said his voice trailing off. "Your gay too? And you like Frisbee? I love Frisbee!"

"Yea I used to play when I was 13" Jace said smiling. "I think your going to be a good friend" I said smiling.

(After Jace left)

Me and Cyrus we're cuddling in our bed. I'm feeling really guilty about liking Jace... I have to tell him. "Hey I need to tell you something... " Me and Cyrus said in unison. We laughed. "You go first" I said sighing. "Jonah, promise you won't get mad?" Cyrus said his voice cracking.

"Yea promise" I said kissing him. "I think I l-like someone... But I don't want to break up!" He stammered. I sighed. "Me too" Cyrus started to cry. "Baby, why are you crying" I said pulling his face up to mine. "I-i don't want t-this to end" Cyrus stammered as more these fell.

"It won't... We can figure this out. Who do you like?" I asked putting my hands on his cheeks. "J-jace" He said hesitantly and another tear fell. "That's who i-i like..." I said in shock. "What do we do???" Cyrus said starting to cry again. "Ok we have two options, we can just try to forget this, or we start a threesome... "

"What do we do?" Cyrus said sniffing. "We wait and see if we really like him." I kiss him on the nose. "We'll be ok" I say then kiss his soft lips.

Comment if u like where this is going😘

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