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Cyrus P.O.V

Its been a few days since the "Andi incident" and Andi has acted like nothing happened. She just flirts with Jonah whenever she lays eyes on him. Jonah said he told Andi he was with me, but she flirts on.

Its getting really annoying its like, my jonah. Back off. I love jonah so much. She better stay 10 feet away from him at all times, or we gunna fight. Right now I'm on my way to school its kinda quiet. Too quiet.

Jonah is sick so he couldn't come to school. I'm not talking to Andi and Buffy had an early game. My thoughts were interrupted by a few steps behind me and I turned around to see a man dressed in a black shirt and skinny jeans.

The man had his hands in his pockets and was staring right at me from 5 feet away. "Hey" the strange man rasped in a low voice. I just looked at him. "What are you doin' round here by yourself?" The man asked casually.

"I am g-going to s-school" I stammered stupidly. I need Jonah right Now... The man took a fee steps forward and eyed me. "You know," he paused looking me up and down. "Your a really good looking kid." He said creepily.

I swiftly turned to run away but I heard hard steps behind me and someone caught me by the wrist. I tried to struggle out of his tight grasp but I failed.

Suddenly I heard movement behind me and I felt something hit the side of my head. Then everything went black.


I opened my eyes and I was in a small, dim lit room. Where am I? I try to get up but my legs are tied together, so are my arms. Then I realize I'm only in my boxers.

I started to panic and attempted to move from the bed I was laying on. This isn't good I need to get out. I try to wiggle my way across the bed but before I get there I hear a door open, footsteps, and a door close behind me.

I feel myself getting dragged back to the middle of the bed in defeat. The person pulling me spins me around to face them. I study the figure and realize its the man. "You monster!!!" I scream. "Let me go!" The man smirks at my comments and turns on a light witch makes the room easier to see.

The man collects things around the room, but I can't see everything he's grabbing. He comes back with a pile of stuff and lays it on the bed. The man then reaches toward me.

"If you touch me you'll loose an arm!!!" I scream. He grabbes something and looks at me. "I highly doubt that. But I need to shut you up now." I struggle as he stuffs a rag in my mouth causing me to loose my ability to speak.

The man then ties me to the bed and I can't move. I struggled trying to get off the ropes but it was no use. The man then climbed on the bed and hovered over me. I Moved around attempting to harm him but he smacks me as hard as he can.

"Stop moving!! Or I'll make it ten times worse!" He yells at me and I lay there helpless. My face stings from his hard blow. I start to cry I could feel the tears falling really fast. "Jonah! Jonah! Jonah!" I cried but my voice was muffled by the rag.

The man hovered over my head, pulled the rag out of my mouth, and forcefully smashed his lips into mine. I didn't bother to struggle he was way stronger that me, so I just layed there and cried. After he moved from my lips he put the rag back in my mouth and kissed down to my boxers. "Stop!!!!!!" I screamed but the rag still muffled my voice.

The tears fell harder as he stopped to look at me smirking as much as possible. He then ran his finger up my inner thigh. Jonah always does that! "No!!!!!!!" I screamed again into the rag my voice cracking.

The man didn't listen to my pleas and continued. He soon had removed my boxers and was sucking my dick. I didn't moan though. I only screamed hoping someone would hear me.

Jonah would want me to keep trying, but I gave up. I'm trapped.  

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