Chapter 2

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Over the past few days, Brianna helped her kids get prepared for school. She took them shopping for new clothes and school supplies. Ali and Jon couldn't care less about anything. They just wanted to go back to Chicago and spend the last days of summer with their friends. They knew that wasn't suppose to be possible so they were always in a bad mood these days.

"Jonathan, do you like this jacket?" his mom asked Jonathan who didn't respond. "Jon, honey?"

"What mom?" Jonathan rolled his eyes. He was texting his friend on his phone.

"I asked if you liked this jacket?"

"Mhm yeah sure." Jonathan wasnt really paying attention to what his mom was saying. He missed his friends and was texting them non-stop. So was Ali. Brianna just sighed and put the jacket in the basket.

(Sunday Night)

Ali got showered and was preparing her clothes for the next day. She didn't want to go to a new school but she had no choice. Ali was pretty sure that she was going to spend the worst senior year out of anybody in history. To some, that might have been an exaggeration but not to Ali. She heard a knock on the door. "Just barge in."

Her mom Brianna came in and closed the door. "Nervous for tomorrow?" She said sitting beside Ali.

"Yeah, like what I told you. Everybody hates the new kid."

"Ali, I couldn't imagine anybody not liking you. You're funny and cool to hang out with."

"I don't think so mom. I'm just a girl who plays the guitar and a nerd who plays video games and reads comics."

"There's nothing wrong with that. Maybe you'll find someone who likes those things too; and you'll maybe make a new friend" Brianna said.

"I guess." Ali shrugged. It was always hard to find someone who had the same interest as her. Ali met her friends because they sat at the same table in science class. As far as liking the same things, they were complete opposites while her friends wore skirts, dresses, and heels. Ali likes wearing Converse, jeans, and rock band t-shirts. Every once in a while, she would wear a blouse, but she would always wear converse. Ali had a collection of them.

"Go and get some rest. School starts 7:30 and we have to get there early so you can get your class schedule. I spoke to your principal to give you a tour of the school. Make thing easier for you" Brianna kissed Ali's forehead and walked out. Ali layed down on her bed and sighed before falling into deep sleep.


"Welcome to SFC Highschool." the principal, Lars Ulrich threw his hands in the air gesturing the large school to Ali, Jon, and Veronica as they walked through the empty halls. Everybody was already in first period execpt them, because of the tour.

"Nice." Veronica said looking around the school. She noticed all the banners and announcements for sports try outs and other clubs she considered some. She figured, if she wanted to make friends, she had to be social.

Ali on the other hand didn't want to join anything. She noticed a banner for the new comic book club they had. Ali considered it for a mere second but then decided not to. She loved comic books for obvious reasons but she simply didn't want to. At the moment, she wasn't interested. They soon got done with the tour of the school. It took a while but they eventually finished just in time for first period to end. The bell rang and loads of students started flooding the halls. Mr. Ulrich pulled Ali, Jonathan and Veronica to the side.

"Alright, I'm sure you will be succesful here. I saw your transcripts and you guys had excellent grades back in Chicago. I hope that carries on over here. Have a great first day, here are your schedules and get going. You don't want to be late for second period," Mr. Ulrich smiled and walked off. Ali noticed the man had a weird walk. It made her chuckle. It was the first time she even smiled sincerely since they moved here in San Francisco.

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